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World's biggest health congress coming to UK for the first time

You can showcase your work at a major global health congress, being co-hosted by us and Public Health England

We’ve joined forces with Public Health England to co-host the world’s flagship health congress as it comes to London for the first time.

The 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress (ISPAH) will bridge the gap between research, policy and practice.

Looking at key areas including behaviour change, disability, mental health, policy and technology, the congress has three main themes:

  • Addressing inequalities within and through physical activity
  • Evidence into policy and practice to achieve population change
  • Physical activity and the wider determinants of health.

Join The Congress

The Queen Elizabeth II Centre Open in a new window will host the Congress from 15-17 October, and you can be part of it by sharing your physical activity interventions and projects to a captive global audience of around 1,000 people. But time is running out.

You can:

  • Be part of a themed discussion: symposia are chaired discussion sessions on a particular topic with a number of contributors. Closing date 31 January.
  • Host a satellite event: this will be linked to the congress themes that engage the ISPAH audience and can take place anywhere in the UK before or after the conference. Closing date 31 January.
  • Submit a case study: describe your project, its outcomes and impact in 250 words. It could become a poster in the exhibition space of the congress, or be an oral presentation. Closing date 16 February.
  • Register as a delegate: as with previous ISPAH congresses, delegate places are expected to sell out, so take advantage of the early bird rate by registering as soon as possible.

For more information, visit Open in a new window or email

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