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Launching the Responsible Quantum Industry Forum’s principles

Convening the Responsible Quantum Industry Forum 

Quantum technologies, including computing, communications, and sensing, have the potential for transformative impacts. As these technologies become more widely adopted in the UK and beyond, it is critical that they are developed and used responsibly, as emphasised by the strong focus in the UK’s National Quantum Strategy to responsible innovation, ethical use, and societal good. While many organisations are keen to put responsible quantum into action, it may be challenging to know where to start.   

To support the UK’s quantum ecosystem in these aims, earlier this year we established the Responsible Quantum Industry Forum (RQIF), led by the NQCC with UKQuantum and techUK as industry co-chairs. The objective of the Forum is to enable organisations in the responsible development and use of quantum technologies, building on shared principles, by providing a venue for sharing best practices and lessons learnt in operationalising responsible quantum.  

We are pleased to share the RQIF principles, a shared commitment to the responsible development and use of quantum technologies, developed with input from our members. 

Since its launch in January, RQIF has now grown to over 40 members, and has been recognised as a key enabler for responsible innovation in quantum technology through the Regulatory Horizons Council report on regulating quantum technology applications, and the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology’s response.  

RQIF convenes regularly, with the purpose of driving next steps on putting responsible quantum into practice, building on RQIF principles as a foundation and shaping development as the technology evolves. Meetings offer members the opportunity to learn from others, including expert guest speakers, understand shared challenges, and establish best practices towards responsible quantum. We continue to welcome new members who share our goal of a responsible quantum future. To learn more, Express your Interest here.

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