Annual Reports

EHRC: The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published its 2009/10 business plan which sets out priorities for the next year of operation. 
Press release ~ Business Plan 2009/10 ~ EHRC ~ Ours to Own: a plain English guide to the Human Rights Act
LRLand Registry, the government department responsible for land registration in England & Wales, has published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2008/9.
Introducing the report, Peter Collis, Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive, said:  "While it has probably been one of the most difficult periods in our 147 year history, ……   The current property slump led to a challenging financial year, which has seen our core business collapse by up to 75 per cent in volume.  In the future we envisage a smaller, leaner, more customer-focused organisation dealing with many applications electronically and providing an expanding range of products and services to customers."
Press release ~ Annual Report and Accounts 2008/9
CQC: The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published on its website details of all mortality alerts it has reviewed & closed since its mortality outlier programme began in 2007. CQC's programme uses statistical analysis to generate an alert where the numbers of patients who have died after being admitted to hospital for a particular condition or procedure is significantly higher than expected.
The regulator has published cases analysed & closed in the 2 years to June 2009.  It includes details of each alert, outlining: at which trust it was generated; when it was raised; the medical condition or procedure to which it relates; what action was taken; and the reasons why the alert was closed.
Press release ~ Report of individual alerts for high mortality which are no longer being pursued: July 2007 - June 2009 ~ Care Quality Commission (CQC)
HSE: There has been an increase in mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain, with 1,705 deaths recorded in 2006.  In 2005, a statistical model was developed based on a simple birth-cohort model, which assumes that the risk of mesothelioma depends on age & years of exposure and that an individual’s asbestos exposure depends on the year of exposure. In this report, the model has been refined & refitted.
Press release ~ Read RR728 - Projection of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain research report
ScotGov: Scotland's Chief Statistician has published Main Transport Trends - which summarises a range of transport statistics.
Press release ~ Main Transport Trends 2009 ~ Scottish Household SurveyScottish Transport Statistics ~ Scottish Transport and Travel
ScotGov: Scotland's Chief Statistician has published Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009. This is the ninth edition of the publication that provides key data sets on the state of the environment in Scotland, with an emphasis on the trends over time.  It includes previously published statistics & figures produced by other organisations some of which are not official statistics.
Press release ~ Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009 ~ Further information on environmental statistics ~  About Official Statistics in Scotland
MoJ: The publication of the population in custody figures for July 2009 has been postponed. Due to technical problems, the Head of Profession for Statistics has taken the decision to delay publication of this bulletin and, in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, has written to the National Statistician to explain the reasons for delay.
In May 2009, the National Offender Management Service began roll-out of a new case management system for prisons (Prison-NOMIS). The system has been successfully deployed to 30 prisons.  However, data collection issues have emerged that need addressing to ensure a high quality data feed for the statistical bulletin. Headline weekly management information using a manual work-around is still available and details of the overall prison population can be found on the Prison Service website.
At present we believe that this suspension of the monthly bulletin is liable to affect publication of end of August data at the end of September and possibly future publications as well.  A further announcement will be made when we can give a definite timetable for resumption of this series.
Press release ~ Prison-NOMIS ~ End of custody licence releases and recalls ~ Prison population projections ~ Consultation on offender management statistics (closes on 16 October 2009) ~ Code of Practice for Official Statistics
Newswire – AC: A new Audit Commission report says NHS trusts are making fewer errors under the Payment by Results (PbR) system, but some medical records are still poor quality.  The second annual PbR data assurance framework shows that in the cases audited last year, over 12% of the clinical codes for diagnoses & procedures were wrong.  However, this is an improvement on 2007/08's figure of 16.5% and the improvement in specialist trusts, such as hospitals for children, neurological, orthopaedic and cancer patients, was particularly notable.
The Commission raises concern over the poor quality of some medical records - about 80% of PbR audit reports recorded problems relating to the quality of records.  Some medical records were judged unsafe to audit
A report for the Commission by the Royal College of Physicians, published alongside this year's PbR framework, makes a series of recommendations to improve the recording of medical information. Implementing the College's national standards for the structure and content of medical records would provide much needed clarity and consistency in documenting episodes and care and improves the efficiency of clinical coding.
Press release ~ Payment by results ~ PbR data assurance framework and standards
WAG: New figures show that all Local Authorities in Wales have achieved their 2010 targets to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill a year early.  The Landfill Allowances Scheme (LAS) limits the amount of biodegradable municipal waste (such as paper, cardboard and kitchen scraps) that councils are allowed to send to landfill. It aims to encourage the recycling, composting and treatment of this waste.
2010 is the first Landfill Directive Target year when Wales will need to report to the EU on its LAS performance. Any Local Authorities who exceed their targets face severe financial penalties.
Press release ~ Landfill Allowances Scheme (LAS) - Wales ~ WAG – Landfill Allowance Scheme
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