Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
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PM: no restrictions on help for those affected by storms

Prime Minister David Cameron announces £100 million for flood defences and says there will be "no restrictions on help" for those affected.

Speaking after a meeting of COBR - the goverment’s emergency committee - the Prime Minister said:

My sympathy is with everyone affected by the ongoing storms which are causing misery to communities and businesses across the country.

With power outages, more flooding and more bad weather forecast, I have chaired a COBR this afternoon to ensure that everything that can be done to get stricken communities moving is being done: there are no restrictions on help. I have seen the shocking pictures of the destroyed train line in Dawlish and I am determined that while it is out of action, the public get a proper alternative service and a solution is found to fix it, as soon as possible. The government will continue to hold emergency COBR meetings to ensure these problems are sorted out.

Find out if your area is at risk of flooding with the Environment Agency Live Flood Warning map - this is updated every 15 minutes.

In Somerset, the Environment Agency continues to pump 3 million tonnes of water a day off the Levels alongside high velocity pumps provided by the fire and rescue service. But no amount of pumping will solve the current problem completely because the land is so saturated, so dredging will start as soon as the waters have receded enough for it to be safe to do so.

We need a long-term solution, so earlier today I announced a further £100 million to repair and maintain those flood defences which have taken such a battering, while protecting 165,000 homes in recent weeks, in addition to a record £2.4 billion being spent by this government.

It was also announced that communities affected by severe weather will benefit from enhanced support to help meet the costs associated with protecting lives and properties.

Follow #floodaware and @envagency on Twitter for latest news and information.

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