Welsh Government
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Priorities for tackling substance misuse in Wales 2013-15 published

Health Minister Lesley Griffiths has outlined the Welsh Government’s priorities for tackling substance misuse between 2013-15.

The third delivery plan of the Welsh Government’s 10 year Substance Misuse Strategy, “Working Together to Reduce Harm”, sets out the actions to be taken nationally, regionally and locally to reduce the harm caused by drug and alcohol misuse.

Actions over the coming three years include the development of a specific route to treatment for veterans, a plan for responding to the threat of new and emerging trends in substance misuse and better integrated care pathways for substance misuse service users.

Lesley Griffiths said:  

“Drug and alcohol misuse has a devastating effect on individuals, families and communities throughout Wales.  I am, therefore, committed to delivering our key Programme for Government aim of reducing the prevalence of substance misuse and the numbers of drug and alcohol related deaths.

“Good progress has already been made since launching the Welsh Government’s strategy to tackle the harms associated with substance misuse in Wales in 2008. We saw a 10 per cent fall in drug related deaths between 2010 and 2011 and we want to build on this further.  Such success has been made possible by the ongoing commitment of stakeholders across both the statutory and voluntary sectors.  We are keen to support this partnership working over the next phase of delivery and the regional Area Planning Boards will provide the vehicle to ensure that this collaboration continues.

“The focus for 2013-15 will continue to be on preventing misuse in the first place, supporting those with misuse problems as well as their families, and tackling the availability of drugs and alcohol in our communities.”

The Minister also announced more than £1.18m in funding to improve substance misuse treatment facilities across Wales in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.  This will focus on improving the capacity, access and quality of treatment facilities.  It will include the creation of multi-agency bases, residential and community based treatment and detoxification centres as well as increase the number of GP shared care schemes, youth facilities, mobile outreach and day-centres.

Lesley Griffiths said:

“Improving treatment facilities will ensure the provision of better care for those who use these services and their families.

“The funding I have announced will improve facilities so that those who misuse drugs and alcohol can access dedicated services in confidence which will help them in their recovery as well as help support and protect their families.”

Related Links

Working Together to Reduce Harm - Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2013 - 2015

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