Welsh Government
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Portal gives parents power to see how their local school is performing

An innovative new website which provides statistical information on every maintained school in Wales has been launched today by the Welsh Government.

The website, mylocalschool.wales.gov.uk, contains hundreds of thousands of pieces of data providing an accessible, valuable information portal for parents and carers and those interested in school education statistics in Wales.

The site allows users to view a range of statistical information about an individual school including:

  • contextual information such as the type of school, school population, how many teachers.
  • performance information at foundation phase, key stage 2 and 3, GCSE and A level. Banding and underlying banding indicators are also presented
  • financial information such as expenditure per school.
  • a link to the most recent Estyn report.

Education Minister Leighton Andrews said:

“We know that Welsh parents want to know how local schools are performing.

“Data of this kind is becoming more readily available. The site gives parents a clearer picture of how schools across Wales are performing.

“Improving openness and transparency of school statistics will also allow parents to have more informed discussions about raising standards in our schools.

“We want to encourage parents to engage in the school improvement debate and so we are providing them with the information to do so. “

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