Ministry of Defence
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Over 120 men and women of the UK's Armed Forces are honoured this week for operations around the world in areas as diverse as Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone and The Democratic Republic of Congo.

Commenting on the awards, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said,

"These honours and awards are a vivid illustration of the superb people we have in Britain's Armed Forces. They are an extraordinary catalogue of bravery, determination and commitment from both seasoned soldiers and those being tested for the first time in their military careers."

Among those receiving honours and awards are Corporal Shaun Jardine, The King's Own Scottish Borderers, who receives the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for his actions on 9th August 2003 in Al Uzayr, in Iraq's Maysan province. He and his men came under fire from two positions and having ordered his men to take cover, he decided the best course of action was to attack. With his team providing covering fire, Corporal Jardine assaulted the first position single-handed, despite coming under heavy machine gun fire. Having killed two gunmen and captured their weapons, he then engaged and suppressed the second position while calling on his men to join him. A third firing position was seen and that too was engaged. In the face of this determined action, the remaining gunmen withdrew. The citation for this action praises his "courage and inspirational leadership".

A Military Cross has been awarded to a part-time soldier on his first operational tour of duty. On the night of 4 July, Kingsman Michael Davison, The King's and Cheshire Regiment (TA), rescued an officer during a firefight in Basrah, Iraq. When his Platoon Commander was wounded, Davison ran forward to drag the officer to safety, all the time under fire. A builder in his civilian life, Davison's citation states that "Throughout this incident, Kingsman Davison showed courage and composure under fire."

Another Territorial Army soldier, also on his first operational tour, is Private Gary Smith, Queen's Lancashire Regiment, who receives a Mention in Despatches (MiD) for his quick thinking and reactions on 9 July 03 in Basrah, Iraq. Private Smith spotted a man in a crowd he suspected of hiding a weapon under his robes. Without thought to his own safety, Smith wrestled him to the ground, found him clutching a hand grenade and managed to prevent the man pulling out the arming pin. His citation states, "His quick thinking and realisation that there was no time to warn his commander, prompted his positive action that undoubtedly prevented both civilian and British Army casualties. He acted with a sense of duty and courage above his rank and experience level."

The George Medal is awarded to bomb disposal expert, Regimental Sergeant Major Nicholas Pettit, Royal Engineers, for his actions on the night of 21 March 03 when he successfully rescued four RAF personnel from a Land Rover which was badly damaged when it drove into a hidden minefield in southern Iraq. In darkness, Pettit cleared a lane to the vehicle and carried the injured man to safety. Then, one-by-one, he led the three men out of the minefield. His sustained courage and coolness were "of the very highest order".

Other honours and awards reflect the full range of ranks and expertise of the Armed Forces. Major General Freddie Viggers is appointed Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George, for his outstanding work as the Senior British Military Representative (Iraq), based in Baghdad.

In Afghanistan, Colour Sergeant Martin Gray, 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, receives an MBE for his drive, imagination and insight where he "personally forged and drove forward new partnerships between British, ISAF and US forces". Among his particular feats, Gray played a central role in the capture of a group of terrorists in Kabul. He volunteered to lead an assault team into their apartment at severe risk to his own life and, according to his citation, "acting with speed and aggression, he personally overpowered, disarmed and captured the terrorist leader".

In central Africa, Major Simon Higgins, commanding 42 Engineer Squadron, receives an MBE for his "dogged determination and leadership of the highest order", during the Squadron's deployment to the Ituri province of the Democratic Republic of Congo where, as part of a French-led deployment, the British troops were engaged in extending the runway at Bunia airport, working 18-hours a day, in extreme humidity, temperatures and torrential downpours.

Also in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sergeant Peter McLauchlan, the Master Chef for 42 Squadron Royal Engineers, is awarded the Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service for his unstinting efforts to provide the highest quality food despite the limited conditions, the heat and insects. Such was his reputation, that other nations' troops took to eating with the British. Indeed, McLauchlan's efforts drew the admiration of the French commander of the forces who was highly impressed by his culinary efforts using mainly operational rations.


1. The attached list of honours is provided under embargo that no details shall appear in print or be broadcast or otherwise transmitted before 0001 hrs 23 April 2004.

2. To assist media, the list contains details of the home town or posting where details are available.

4. Awards to members of the Armed Forces are published on 23 April in The London Gazette. The ranks and other personal details shown are those current at the time the awards were recommended.




Honours and Awards to members of the Armed Forces for service in Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, The Congo and miscellaneous operations for the period 1st April to 30th September 2003, together with a list of American awards to British Personnel.


Brigadier James Jeffrey Corfield BUCKNALL MBE Salisbury Late Coldstream Guards


Lieutenant Colonel Stephen PADGETT Omagh
The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire


Sergeant Brian Gavin ALLAN Yeovilton
Royal Marines

Major Ivor Frederick BAIGENT Hereford
Intelligence Corps

Lance Corporal Matthew William BATES Catterick
The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire

Major Christopher James Thomas JOB Catterick
The King's Regiment

Major Charles Maclean MACFARLANE Canterbury
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Warrant Officer Class 2 Simon David METCALFE Ballykelly Royal Corps of Signals

Staff Sergeant Andrew Geoffrey MOORE Boldon
Intelligence Corps


Colour Sergeant Steven Andrew JOHNSON Chepstow
The Green Howards


Warrant Officer Class 2 Garth Edward THOMPSON Aldergrove Intelligence Corps


Major Alasdair David BALGARNIE Monmouth
Corps of Royal Engineers

Major Eliot William Timothy BECK Gloucester
The Royal Logistic Corps

Sergeant Stephen Herd BROWN -
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Warrant Officer Class 1 Patrick John CARLEY North Colerne Royal Corps of Signals

Major Hugo Ian Moberly CLARK Dover
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Major Harry James Lothian CLARK Canterbury
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

The Reverend Anthony Allan COSLETT
(Chaplain to the Forces 3rd Class) Lichfield Royal Army Chaplains' Department

Major Mark James Frederick EWING -
The Black Watch

Lance Corporal Andrew David FAIRCLOUGH -
The Royal Logistic Corps

Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Dunlop GRAY Canterbury
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Lieutenant Colonel Ian Van Klaveren HARRIS Kingston
The Royal Irish Regiment

Warrant Officer Class 1 Ivor Graham HAWKINS Blandford Forum Royal Corps of Signals

Warrant Officer Class 2 Brian KIERNAN Canterbury
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Brigadier Simon James KNAPPER CBE MC -
Late The Staffordshire Regiment

Sergeant Alexander MACKENZIE Catterick
The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire

Major Brian Graeme MALCOLM Colchester
The Royal Logistic Corps

Corporal Simon William PATRICK Catterick
The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire

Captain James Christopher PETTITT Camberley
The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment

24706635 Staff Sergeant Peter Donald SMITH South Shields Corps of Royal Engineers

Warrant Officer Class 1 Steven Allan WHITE Banbridge
Royal Corps of Signals

Major Gareth George WRIGHT Northwood
The Royal Logistic Corps



Major General Frederick Richard VIGGERS MBE Andover
Late Royal Regiment of Artillery


Brigadier William Hewitt MOORE Farnborough
Late Royal Regiment of Artillery


Lieutenant Colonel John David BEVAN MBE Aldershot
The Royal Logistic Corps

Lieutenant Colonel Duncan Scott BRUCE MBE -
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel John Mark CASTLE Catterick
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Lieutenant Colonel Ciaran Munchin GRIFFIN Catterick
The King's Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Gareth KIDWELL Aylesbury
Royal Regiment of Artillery


Major Andrew Barrie ALDERSON London
The Queen's Own Yeomanry Territorial Army

Major Nadine Mireille HERON -
Adjutant General's Corps (Royal Military Police)

Major Edward John Francis Vigilius MELOTTE London
Irish Guards

Major Mark ROBINSON Leeds
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment


Major General Graeme Cameron Maxwell LAMB CMG OBE Tidworth Late Queen's Own Highlanders

Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Emanuel MENDONCA MBE Catterick The Queen's Lancashire Regiment


Corporal Shaun Garry JARDINE Omagh
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Sergeant Gordon ROBERTSON Dover
The Parachute Regiment


Lieutenant Colonel Caroline WHITTAKER TD Penarth
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps Territorial Army


Corporal of Horse Glynn Ashley BELL London
The Blues and Royals

Corporal Anthony William CURRIE Omagh
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Kingsman Michael DAVISON Liverpool
The King's and Cheshire Regiment Territorial Army

Major James Benjamin Weston HOLLISTER Watchfield
The King's Regiment

Warrant Officer Class 2 Darren William LEIGH -
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment


Warrant Officer Class 1 Nicholas Keith PETTIT QGM Spilsby Corps of Royal Engineers


Staff Sergeant Anthony Michael WYLES Rochester
Corps of Royal Engineers Territorial Army


Lance Corporal Marcus Damian CLARKE Coventry
Corps of Royal Engineers

Warrant Officer Class 2 Mark Andrew CUNLIFFE Rochester
Corps of Royal Engineers

Corporal John Eric DOLMAN Dover
The Parachute Regiment

Lieutenant Glen ESPIE -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Private David John FRAME -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Corporal James Scott HASLAM -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Corporal Barry JOLLY Wimbish
Corps of Royal Engineers

Lieutenant Ross Alexander KENNEDY Dover
The Parachute Regiment

Corporal Darren Alan KIMBER -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Lance Corporal Philip John LAW Wimbish
Corps of Royal Engineers

Lance Corporal Mark Thomas LAWRIE -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Bombardier Jamie Daniel McMILLAN -
Royal Regiment of Artillery

Corporal Eammon Thomas MUIRHEAD -
The King's Own Scottish Borderers

Lieutenant Michael Peter PEEL Nelson
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

Major Andrew Michael PULLAN Catterick
The King's Regiment

Lance Corporal Adrian Peter REDFEARN -
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

Private Gary Francis Edward SMITH Cleveleys
The Lancastrian and Cumbrian Volunteers Territorial Army

Captain Charles Julian Lister SPEERS Newcastle
The Blues and Royals

Kingsman Paul Dennis VANDEN Catterick
The King's Regiment

Corporal Craig WEIR Rouston
The Black Watch


Gunner Martin BOAKES Dunstable
Royal Regiment of Artillery Territorial Army

Corporal Scot Edward LARNER -
Corps of Royal Engineers


Petty Officer (Diver) John Steven RAVENHALL Fareham

Lieutenant Colonel David Richard AMOS Dereham
The Light Dragoons

Brigadier Richard Lawson BARRONS CBE Andover
Late Royal Regiment of Artillery

Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Charles CLASPER Farnborough Royal Army Medical Corps Territorial Army

Lieutenant Colonel Alistair John DEAS MBE -
The Royal Logistic Corps

Warrant Officer Class 1 Mark HENDERSON Salisbury
The Royal Logistic Corps

Major Ian Michael JAGGARD-HAWKINS -
Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)

Warrant Officer Class 1 Keith JAMES Hawarden
Corps of Royal Engineers Territorial Army

Major Mark Peter KENYON MBE Catterick
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

Major George Alexander John MACINTOSH (525880) Kingston Welsh Guards

Second Lieutenant Benjamin McCOMB Portadown
The Royal Irish Rangers Territorial Army

Captain Joseph David McMAHON Geneva
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

Warrant Officer Class 2 Wayne David PARTINGTON Rainham
Corps of Royal Engineers

Staff Sergeant Simon Richard PEACOCK -
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Warrant Officer Class 2 Mark TAPPING Durrington
Royal Regiment of Artillery Territorial Army

Captain Paul Terence TEDMAN -
Army Air Corps

Major Peter David WOODS Thirsk
Royal Regiment of Artillery

Squadron Leader Charles Nicholas John MAUNDER Lossiemouth Royal Air Force

Chief Technician Nicholas John POUNDER Peterborough
Royal Air Force

Wing Commander Wayne Andrew WHITE Northallerton
Royal Air Force

Mr Benjamin John BURKE-DAVIES London
Civil Service



Colonel Richard Roderick DAVIS MBE Burbage
Late Corps of Royal Engineers


Colour Sergeant Martin John GRAY Brough St Giles
The Royal Anglian Regiment


Major Bruce Matthew DOWN Beachley
The Royal Anglian Regiment


Corporal Malcolm Brian BANNON Beachley
The Royal Anglian Regiment

Corporal Jason Thomas WOODS Beachley
The Royal Anglian Regiment



Major Quentin William Martlew NAYLOR Edinburgh
The Royal Gurkha Rifles

Major Jonathan Charles PROBERT -
The Royal Logistic Corps

Major Rupert Hugh Stewart SHAW Bishops Sutton
The Royal Green Jackets


Warrant Officer Class 2 Nigel John BARNETT -
Royal Corps of Signals

Lieutenant Colonel Guy Philip CHAMBERS Ellesmere
The Light Infantry

Staff Sergeant Ian Matthew CLARKE -
9th/12th Royal Lancers

Corporal Dhanbahadur DURA -
The Royal Gurkha Rifles

Warrant Officer Class 2 Helen McGARRY Cupar
Intelligence Corps

Rifleman Stephen Paul STALEY Buckingham
The Royal Green Jackets Territorial Army



Lieutenant Colonel Michael Iain Thomas SMAILES London
The Royal Dragoon Guards



Major Simon Giles HIGGENS Farnborough
Corps of Royal Engineers


Sergeant Peter James McLAUCHLAN -
The Royal Logistic Corps

Corporal Mark Philip ROWSON -
Corps of Royal Engineers



Sergeant Wayne HUNT -
Royal Marines


Legion of Merit (Degree of Officer)

Air Commodore Peter William David RUDDOCK CBE -
Royal Air Force

Bronze Star Medal

Major Nicholas Mark GEE -
Royal Regiment of Artillery

Major John Nicholas WHITE Arborfield
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Major James Michael Heath LODEN Dover
The Parachute Regiment

US Air Medal

Captain David Michael WILKINS -
Army Air Corps

Squadron Leader Richard David WALLER -
Royal Air Force

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