London Development Agency
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Young Londoners unveil their Olympic legacy manifesto

Seven pillars of legacy were unveiled by a panel of teenagers on Friday in front of more than 200 young people who wanted to find out what an Olympic legacy could mean for them.

It was the culmination of 10 months of work by the Legacy Now Youth Panel, which comprises of 25 teenagers from the five host boroughs with an interest in planning and design.

The London Development Agency (LDA), working with Stratford based Fundamental Architectural Inclusion and the five host boroughs, set up the panel to offer a unique voice for young people into the planning process and encourage others to take part. They have met regularly with masterplanners Allies and Morrison, KCAP and EDAW to advise on what should be created after the Games.

The panel have also galvanised interest among young people through school visits and presentations. They have been part of the LDA’s Youth Engagement programme which has worked with around 2,500 school children through both term-time and out of school activities.

On Friday, the panel outlined their legacy manifesto at Hackney Ocean, Hackney, in front of hundreds of their peers from youth groups across London. The event also featured film screenings including a legacy flythrough of the Olympic Park site, V-J mixing video and sound Olympic themes and a 3D model of a possible Olympic Park of the future which was brought to life through video and sounds.

The Legacy Now Youth Panel manifesto is:

1. Public spaces and buildings create communities where people enjoy living and working together. Conflict and tension are a thing of the past.

2. Young people socialise and participate in a range of activities in high quality spaces. We are inspired to learn and achieve together.

3. People feel safe and relaxed, help is on hand when you need it and no-one feels excluded.

4. Public facilities and activities within the community are accessible, available and affordable for all. The open spaces and built environment are for everyone.

5. Everyone can learn and develop. There are excellent schools and a variety of jobs and opportunities.

6. Getting around is easy; there are lots of options for transport. Travel is affordable, safe and ronmentally-friendly.

7. As a community we own, respect and enjoy this area. We are involved in planning and developing our environment with expert planners and architects.

The manifesto has been handed to the legacy masterplanning team and will be used to develop the designs for the post-2012 Olympic Park site.

This work will be taken forward by the newly set up Olympic Park Legacy Company which will take over physical legacy planning and delivery from the LDA later this year.

Emma Wheelhouse, Senior Engagement Manger at the LDA, said:

"The Legacy Now Youth Panel has been a groundbreaking approach to capturing the imagination of London’s youth. Ultimately it is going to be this generation who will benefit from the 25 year legacy development of the Olympic Park site, so it is vital we make every effort to involve them from the start."

Andre Dias, 17, Youth Panel member from Hackney, said:

"Being in the Legacy Now Youth Panel has been great. Its boosted my confidence and helped me work in groups and with people i didn't know before."

Sara Gadim, 15, Youth Panel member from Greenwich, said:

"We've given our opinions and they've been listened to. The legacy plans are an important thing to be part of and it’s great to be involved."

Eduardo Dacosta, 16, Youth Panel member from Newham, said:

"The Legacy Now Youth Panel is one of the best things I've done in ages and its opened my eyes to the world. Architecture isn't just for architects, it’s for everyone!"

Juhell Amin, 16, Youth Panel member from Tower Hamlets, said:

"The LNYP broadened horizons for so many of the members. Many thanks to all those who were behind creating it all, especially the staff Julie, Jo and Nick."

Shabaz Hussain, 14, Youth Panel member from Waltham Forest, said:

"Being part of the Legacy Now Youth Panel has been great because I’ve made loads of friends from different boroughs. It has broken down barriers, same as the Olympics is going to do across the world."

Nick Edwards of CEO of Fundamental said:

"This event, and the whole panel programme, is breaking new ground in youth participation in the built environment. Panel members have taken the lead hosting a unique programme to their peers including a fantastic light installation - breathing life into the Legacy Masterplan. This was altogether a seminal approach using youth culture to explain the complex Masterplan to the next generation".

* Interviews are available with youth panel members on request.

* Follow this link at the top of the release to access a spread of pictures from the event

* For more information about the Legacy Now Youth Panel including the manifesto visit 

Notes for editors

* The London Development Agency aims to improve the quality of life for all Londoners - working to create jobs, develop skills and promote economic growth.

* CREATE is the cultural partnership of the five host boroughs. For more information on CREATE email or visit

* The Light Surgeons are a multi media production company based in east London. For more information visit

* The LDA is leading a partnership overseeing the Legacy Masterplan Framework (LMF) - spatial plan for homes, parkland, schools, workspace, health and sporting facilities to be developed on the Olympic site Park after the 2012 Games. More information on this work can be found at 

* The Olympic Park Legacy Company was established on the 8 May 2009 and is currently in its set up process. The not-for-profit company will be taking on the final stages of the Olympic park legacy masterplan from the LDA and is responsible for delivering these long term plans post 2012.

* Fundamental is a not for profit architecture centre, established in 2003 to seek new ways for communities to participate in the transformation of their neighbourhoods. For more information visit 

For further information please contact:

Sarita Bhatia, Press Officer

Tel: 020 7593 8087 Mob: 07711 605444 

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