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Strictly embargoed not for broadcast or publication until 00:01 Tuesday 20 October - Local crime figures and neighbourhood police details at the touch of a button

Strictly embargoed not for broadcast or publication until 00:01 Tuesday 20 October - Local crime figures and neighbourhood police details at the touch of a button

News Release issued by the COI News Distribution Service on 19 October 2009

A new interactive national map giving the public access to local statistics and details on neighbourhood policing in their area was launched today by Home Office Minister David Hanson and National Policing Improvement Agency Deputy Chief Executive Steve Mortimore.

The online map will allow residents to view figures for all crime as well as burglary, robbery, violence, vehicle crime and anti-social behaviour in their area at the touch of a button.

For the first time people can compare one police area with another, compare figures over a three-month period against the same period for the previous year and see annual crime rates.

The public will also be able to see details of their neighbourhood police team, local policing priorities and information about forthcoming local events such as crime prevention meetings and local surgeries.

The website was developed by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) and police forces across England and Wales, on behalf of the Home Office.

Policing and Crime Minister David Hanson MP said:

“Crime maps are a key part of delivering neighbourhood policing and giving communities access to information like this not only improves public confidence but ensures police are responding to local people’s needs.

“We know the public want this information, which will allow them to hold the police to account and help create an even more responsive and effective service.

“Neighbourhood police teams already serve every community in England and Wales and the Crime Map is another example of how we are building greater links between the police and the people they serve.”

NPIA Deputy Chief Executive Steve Mortimore, said:

“The national Crime Map is a vital step forward in giving the public more information about crime in their areas to increase confidence in the service they receive from the police.

“Fear of crime is known to outstrip the reality. The Crime Map will give people the facts about local crime and what forces are doing about it. It is crucial way of improving the efforts to tackle local crime, since communities that are involved in policing help reduce crime and bring more offenders to justice.

“We are proud that the new national Crime Map has been developed quickly and cost-effectively by the NPIA, working closely with forces and at no cost to them.”

The Crime Map builds on the Policing Pledge, which sets out what the public can expect from their local force and how they can get involved in policing.

It is the latest in a series of innovations over the last few years that puts the public at the heart of the fight against crime and disorder and supports the Government’s Building Britain’s Future strategy.

Other recent measures include reducing bureaucracy and increasing efficiency throughout the police service to increase the number of more front-line police officers, as well as more neighbourhood policing and collaboration between the police, local councils, health bodies and schools to deliver improved services.

Mr Hanson and Mr Mortimore were speaking during a visit to the Clapham Park Project in Brixton, a New Deals for Communities (NDC) group working on regeneration of the local area via crime prevention and youth activity work. While there they saw a demonstration of the Crime Map website, met local residents, Neighbourhood Police teams and toured the local area.


1. To see the national Crime Map go to http://maps.police.uk/

2. The Clapham Park area in south London has seen significant falls in prostitution, drugs offences and burglary since the introduction of better neighbourhood management and problem-solving policing since 2001. These improvements were the result of closer collaboration between residents and the police, local authorities, education, youth services, health and social care.

3. Crime mapping is a key part of the national Policing Pledge, which for the first time, sets out for the public the service that they can expect to receive from the police. It includes standards and commitments on response times, neighbourhood policing community engagement and time spent on patch, provision of local information about crime and policing issues in local areas, complaints procedures and follow up for victims of crime. More information about the Policing Pledge can be found at www.direct.gov.uk/policingpledge

4. The government’s commitment to more extensive and more regular information on crime, policing and justice forms part of the wider commitment to making public information public. This enables greater transparency and accountability of public services. Examples of what data will be released can be found on the Home Office’s website at www.homeoffice.gov.uk/data where the Home Office has begun its process of releasing in re-useable form. The Government’s work is led for the Prime Minister by Stephen Timms, Minister for Digital Britain, with Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt appointed in June 2009 as lead advisers.

5. In January 2009 all 43 police forces across England and Wales launched their own individual crime maps. Since the sites went live they have received approximately 50,000 visits per month.

6. Findings from the Casey Review found that 58 per cent of the public want information about what is being done to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in their area.

7. The NPIA is a single national organisation created to support effective policing. It provides expertise in areas as diverse as information and communications technology, support for information and intelligence sharing, core police processes, managing change and recruiting, developing and deploying people. NPIA works for the police service and is governed by a tripartite board comprising ACPO, APA, Home Office and independent members.

8. For further information contact the Home Office press office or NPIA press office on 020 7147 8308/8297/8310.


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