Land Data
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Land Data cic, has been commissioned by Communities and Local Government (CLG) to conduct a survey of all Local Authority Local Land Charges Departments across England and Wales , to establish their “state of readiness” with regard to Government’s access guidelines issued in January this year.  The guidelines seek to deliver open access to local authority held property information. 

Land Data’s survey will cover the five or six departments where the relevant data is held within each of the 410 Local Authorities.   The survey will identify current access procedures, any access constraints, the current data format (electronic or paper) and any planned moves to electronic delivery.

The work is being undertaken over a four month period.  The completed work will highlight those Local Authorities already able to work within the guidelines and those in the process of creating new access routes.  This work will inform CLG’s ongoing reforms of the property searches market.

Land Data’s CEO Alex Fraser commented: “Land Data is pleased to have been commissioned by CLG to carry out this important piece of work. The results of our research will play a key role in determining Government’s decision on the future of property searches.” 






For further information please contact:



Fiona Barron \ Justin Scott at Land Data

Tel: 07770 855337 / 020 3043 8875

Email: /


Notes to Editors

Land Data manages NLIS, which was set up to support local authorities (LAs) and other property information holders in England and Wales in their move from manual to electronic provision of property information services.  Through the NLIS hub, users can access information from 410 Local Authorities, national parks, Land Registry, the Coal Authority and water companies, in an electronic format. Land Data became a Community Interest Company in January 2006 in recognition of its commitment to making electronic property search information accessible to the general public and thereby improving the home buying process.

Fiona Barron
PR Officer

Land Data cic (formerly C-NLIS cic)

25 Southampton Buildings,
London WC2A 1AL

Mob: 07770 855 337
Tel: 0203 043 8877
Fax: 0203 043 8879

For more information, visit

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