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Blueprint for social care excellence- Lewis calls on sector to aim for World Class status

Blueprint for social care excellence- Lewis calls on sector to aim for World Class status

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH News Release (2007/0098) issued by The Government News Network on 27 April 2007

Social Care Minister Ivan Lewis today announced a five-point plan to put excellence at the heart of the government's vision for twenty first century social care.

The measures follow a report commissioned by Mr Lewis from Dame Denise Platt on the state of social care.

The centre piece of the package will be a skills academy 'SocialCare21' focussed on developing world class leadership and commissioning in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

The Minister has also announced that SCIE has been asked to create a new system by the end of the year for identifying and disseminating best practice in the sector.

The Government is to open discussions with publishers to create a high prestige social care journal of a similar nature to the Lancet in health.

Academics, practitioners and uniquely people who use services and their families will have a platform to stimulate debate, identifying future challenges and comment on the statue of social care.

A new national social care board is to be established which will seek a greater level of coherence across social care and directly advise ministers.

The Department of Health is to work with existing award schemes to build on their recognition of excellence and innovation on the front line of social care.

Ivan Lewis said:

"Dame Denise is right to challenge the sector to raise its game and demonstrate a clear and ambitious vision for the future.

"The measures I have announced today signal the Government's commitment to put excellence at the heart of our ambition for a twenty first century social care system.

"World class social care should be our benchmark- nothing more, nothing less.

"SocialCare21 will focus on developing excellent leadership and commissioning which are the key to making a reality of personalised social care.

"This new academy will complement Options for Excellence which set out an exciting vision for the development of front line staff.

"Two simple tests should be applied to the impact of these measures over time:

i. Are an increasing number of people who use services and their carers accessing personalised high quality services? ii. Do leaders, managers and front line staff feel equipped and empowered to transform their organisations and services?

Ivan Lewis also welcomed the announcement that a coalition of charities has been formed to stimulate a nationwide debate about long term social care funding.

He continued:

"The Government has acknowledged that rapid demographic change coupled with changing public expectations mean that we need a new long term funding system for social care which is fair and sustainable.

"We want to help build a new consensus for a new settlement which defines the rights and responsibilities of the state, family and individual.

"We therefore welcome this debate and will listen carefully to the views expressed by all stakeholders."

Notes to editor

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