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Deputy First Minister publishes first ever National Transport Plan

The Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones, has launched the final version of the National Transport Plan which sets out how he will deliver the One Wales vision of a modern and sustainable transport system for Wales.

Delivering the first ever National Transport Plan, the Minister for Economy and Transport explained how the Welsh Assembly Government will deliver the Wales Transport Strategy over the next five years.

The aim of the plan is to ensure a system of transport fit for the 21st century based on three key principles:

• to meet the demand for enhanced mobility which will enable economic growth and improve the quality of life we seek for the people of Wales
• to put transport onto a more sustainable and less carbon-intensive path
• to use transport funding more effectively in light of increased pressures on public finances

Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said,

“I am committed to developing a decarbonised transport system, where people are able to choose healthier and more sustainable modes of travel. I am therefore extremely pleased to be publishing our National Transport Plan today.

We are working to improve bus and rail services. We are also aiming to increase the number of people walking or cycling, and through our programme of Sustainable Travel Centres we will invest in new, and link existing, walking and cycling routes. Across the wider network we have plans to increase the provision of bicycle facilities on trains, at stations and in towns and cities.”  

The Deputy First Minister also said that in developing the transport system the Welsh Assembly Government will continue to support economic prosperity, especially when faced with the global challenges of an economic downturn.

“This means a transport system that allows people to access services and removes barriers for people seeking jobs, particularly in less prosperous areas”, said Mr Jones. “We must ensure that our poorer communities, including those hit hardest by recent economic downturn, can benefit from a resurgent nation.”  

The National Transport Plan, which was announced by the Deputy First Minister in July last year, is set out in a way that reflects the four main movement corridors in Wales – east-west in the north, mid and south, and north-south.  As well as proposals that are relevant across all of Wales.

The proposals for the main corridors share two aims - to improve the reliability, quality and speed of rail and to improve journey times and safety on the main trunk roads.

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