WGPlus (Archive)

Blog posted by Children’s Commissioner
Over the last year, the issue most often raised with me has been children’s mental health.  It was top of the list in my consultation with children about my priorities for the year ahead and many children have told me about their desperate attempts to access support.  Even primary school children raised concerns about anxiety.  I also hear from parents, teachers & carers about their repeated frustrations when trying to get help for children who need it.
Researched Links:

Children’s Commissioner:  Shining a light on the experiences of children with mental health needs

POST:  Mental Health Service Models for Young People

GDS:  It’s ok to talk about mental health

Why I’m asking urgent questions about the state of mental health provision for children

DfE:  £20m improvement programme for children’s social care

Pinball kids: Children’s Commissioner shines a light on children in care ‘pinging’ between schools, homes & social workers

Helping to ensure continuing ‘care’

‘Cinderella Service’ is given some cost saving advice

Facing a lifetime with mental health issues!

Cautious welcome, with warning of potential issues

Children are mentally vulnerable

Consideration for what’s going on in their minds is a key to success

NHS acts to cut inappropriate out of area placements for children & young people in mental health crisis

Good foster care is critical for the emotional development & well-being of a child

Vulnerable children turned away from mental health treatment report finds

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide