Business and Other Briefings (Archive)

BIS:  Technical education overhaul unveiled by Skills Minister ~ CBI: Response to DfE technical skills overhaul announcement ~ TUC: Improving technical education will be essential to overcoming Brexit challenges ~ Trade & Investment Minister works towards deeper trading relationship with Hong Kong & China ~ New aerospace technologies to get £365m funding ~ BIS:  Life sciences: a new relationship with the EU ~ £16m for new technologies to improve global food production & security ~ BIS:  Thames Estuary plan to unleash growth for decades to come)

BIS:  PM - UK remains at forefront of world aerospace as new investment & jobs are announced

HM Treasury:  72 firms sign up to new Charter to link City bonuses to the appointment of senior women

DfT:  New measures to help Britain lead the way in developing driverless technology

DECC:  Government announces Capacity Market auction parameters

Defra:  Yorkshire to bid for £150K food & tourism boost

ScotGov:  Tender for Gourock-Dunoon ferry service – (ScotGov:  Wind farm decisions ~ ScotGov:  £20m low carbon demonstration fund ~ ScotGov:  Call for new PM to honour fair work principles ~ ScotGov:  Apprenticeship levy)

WAG:  Economy Secretary celebrates Wales’ thriving aerospace sector at Farnborough

Wales Office:  Lord Bourne sees high-flying Welsh aerospace industry in action

Skills Funding Agency:  Annual report & accounts 2015 to 2016

TUC backs Theresa May’s call for workers on company boards

UKSA:  UK National Space Propulsion Facility

UKTI:  Chinese investors seek to power second Elizabethan Golden Age

EU News:  Strengthening European prosecution of IPR infringement

UK Export Finance:  UK government announces financial support for record number of exporters in 2015-16

ESPO:  8 top tips for choosing a service & maintenance contract for a professional kitchen

Innovate UK:  Agri-tech innovation in developing countries: apply for funding

CIPD:  Boards have a vital role & responsibility in understanding culture and how it affects employees

The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy