WAG: Cardiff University secures £3.6m EU funds for new scientific research facility
DfT: EU Transport Council 6 June 2019
Visa policy: EU updates rules to facilitate legitimate travel and fight illegal migration
Digital Single Market: Europe announces eight sites to host world-class supercomputers
Mergers: EC prohibits proposed merger between Tata Steel and ThyssenKrupp
ESMA to address regulatory concerns over Frequent Batch Auctions
Deepening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union: EC takes stock of progress
Better work-life balance for parents and carers in the EU: Council adopts new rules
Transparency & sustainability of EU scientific assessment of food safety: General Food Law adopted
Cutting emissions: Council adopts CO2 standards for trucks
EU boosts market for clean vehicles with binding procurement targets
EU budget 2021-2027: EC calls on leaders to set out a roadmap towards an autumn agreement
Migrant smuggling network halted with Eurojust’s support