Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  Vaccination for Meningitis B at University of Surrey

CQC:  What do the forthcoming elections mean for CQC?

NHS Digital\:  3 new reports on alcohol use & misuse published

ScotGov:  Training for GP practice staff – (ScotGov:  Reducing breast cancer risk)

WAG:  Supporting midwives to support women in pregnancy & childbirth – (WAG:  Diabetes care for children improving)

EU News:  EMA and heads of national competent authorities discuss consequences of Brexit

NHS Confederation:   House of Commons Health Committee Brexit report right to put health 'front & centre' – (NHS Confed:  NHS spending must be linked to GDP, says NHS Confederation ~ NHS Confed.:  Politicians urged to back NHS with solid manifesto commitments)

PC&PE:  Inappropriate to use the Local Housing Allowance rate, says Committee

Homeless Link:  Homelessness sector calls for manifesto pledges to end rough sleeping – (Homeless Link:  MPs critical of government proposals for supported housing)

The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy