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IWA uses the power of the internet to ask 'What next for Wales'?

Independent Welsh think-tank the Institute of Welsh Affairs has just started an 8-week project to engage the public in a debate about Wales’ future.  Just days after the PM, published plans to devolve extra powers to Scotland, the IWA’s ‘Constitutional Convention’ will consider what Wales wants.

Using an innovative crowdsourcing website the cross-party think-tank is aiming to reach beyond the political elites to address the question ‘What kind of Wales do you want for your children?’  The convention will begin with a focus on the role of the UK, then discuss the economy, welfare state and issues such as England, Europe and the way Wales is funded. Throughout each of these phases, there will be cross cutting themes of; performance to date, barriers to progress, capacity & calibre, and powers.

The debate will be taken up by the IWA’s partners: NUS Wales, Wales TUC, Federation of Small Businesses Cymru, Electoral Reform Society Cymru, Community Housing Cymru and Media Wales.  As well as almost £4,000 being raised from public donations for the project, the convention is being supported by the UK’s Changing Union Project.

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