Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

Foreign Secretary welcomes final political settlement for Libya – (FCO:  Joint Statement on Libya ~ FCO:  The Longitude Prize: Why India should be in it to win it ~ FCO:  UK Minister pledges support for Nigeria’s energy, prosperity & security ~ Hugo Swire congratulates new Nepalese Prime Minister ~ FCO:  Magna Carta comes to China ~ Baroness Anelay on Second Reading of EU Referendum Bill in the Lords ~ FCO Minister Tobias Ellwood statement on violence in Israel and OPTs ~ Launch of Safaricom's Fourth Sustainability Report: FY 2014/2015 ~ Shapps: Africa can pioneer a solar revolution ~ FCO:  "Together we can, and must, make UN Peace Operations the best that they can be" ~ FS meets Hong Kong Chief Executive in London)

HM Treasury:  UK leads international efforts to clampdown on tax avoidance – (HMT:  First UK-Brazil Economic & Financial Dialogue announced by Chancellor ~ HMT:  Views sought to radically improve access to financial advice ~ UK to lead on big data research, says Harriett Baldwin ~ HMT:  Government publishes anti-money laundering assessment and commits to action plan)

10DS:  PM: "I want to build a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremism" – (Hate Crime Awareness Week 2015: letter from the Prime Minister)

Cabinet Office:  Join the Job Hack and help shape the future of a generation – (Cabinet Office match funds Localgiving’s Grow Your Tenner campaign ~ Cabinet Office:  UK officially hands over D5 presidency ~ Transparency and accountability: statement by Lord Bridges)

DfE:  More children than ever starting school ready to learn – (DfE:  Academic standards continue to rise under the academies programme)

DH:  Clampdown on NHS staffing agency costs – (DH:  Overseas opportunities for UK healthcare providers in the spotlight ~ We are counting on you to wash your hands ~ DH:  Restrictions on nurse recruitment from overseas changed)

Home Office:  Campaign to tackle illegal working in construction begins

BIS:  Government to make price comparisons easier for supermarket shoppers – (BIS:  Supporting business and fighting anti-Semitism ~ BIS:  Summit to tackle impact of global steel challenges)

CLG:  Consultation - Fair rents will ensure higher-earning tenants 'pay to stay' – (CLG:  Prime Minister: Councils must deliver local plans for new homes by 2017 ~ Thousands more homes to be developed in planning shake up ~ LGA responds to PM announcement on house building ~ CLG:  Historic Housing & Planning Bill will transform generation rent into generation buy ~ CLG:  Website launched by government for people who want to buy a house)

DCMS:  Get Online Week - helping communities improve their digital skills

DWP:  'State Pension top up’ scheme started 12 October 2015

DfT:  Statement to Parliament: Vehicle emissions: 12 October 2015

ScotGov:  Tackling child poverty top priority – (ScotGov:  A different path from austerity ~ ScotGov:  Renewables debate moves to London ~ ScotGov:  Scotland must have a role in EU talks ~ ScotGov:  Fairer approach to social security ~ ScotGov:  Priorities for BBC Charter Renewal ~ ScotGov:  Pioneering affordable housing model launches ~ ScotGov:  New group to tackle hate crime ~  ScotGov:  Investment Promises Delivered at Travel Summit ~ ScotGov:  Countdown to climate change talks ~ ScotGov:  National Improvement Framework ~ Funding boost for museums and galleries ~ ScotGov:  Save a Life for Scotland)

WAG:  Keeping fit is fun & games with new campaign – (Welsh Government awards £2.1m to Ceredigion to tackle fuel poverty ~ £11.2m to support 6,000 NEET young people ~ WAG:  Minister backs calls for greater action at UK level to protect steel industry ~ WAG:  Glastir Woodland Restoration applications to reopen ~ Minister calls time on Initial Teacher Training ~ WAG:  £3.8m EU-backed project to boost job security and career progression in valleys)

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide