NAO: Help to Buy: Equity Loan scheme – progress review
WAO: Welsh public services could lose up to £1bn a year to fraud
PC&PE: 2018–19 Select Committee activity reviewed by Liaison Committee
PC&PE: Committee recommends review of Scotland Office and Secretary of State for Scotland
PC&PE: NDAs - Government must end cover-up culture over discrimination & harassment cases
PC&PE: Devolve Air Passenger Duty to Wales, urges Committee
NO: Disabled woman had care package reduced by more than half following flawed assessment by Bolton council – (NO: Ombudsman reminds councils of proper process for supporting vulnerable people at assessment meetings )
ScotGov: Annual Business Statistics 2017 – (ScotGov: Council Tax Reduction for 477,800 households )
Collaborate: Place-based system change: Demystifying the practice
Reform: The Week, 7 June 2019 – (Reform: Why Auntie is Right )
RUSI: UK Needs to Be Clearer on Sanctions - RUSI Reacts to Foreign Affairs Committee Report on UK Sanctions Policy – (RUSI: The UK’s Proscription of Hizbullah: All Talk and No Action? )
IFG: Candidates for Prime Minister must prepare now