WGPlus (Archive)

We need a legally defined & enforceable ‘litmus test’ to prevent employer abuse of ‘self-employment’
A new study carried out by the National Institute of Economic & Social Research for the TUC reveals that the UK has seen significant growth in insecure forms of employment compared to other EU countries. The study links the growth to relatively weak legal protections for those in bogus self-employment, agency work and on zero-hour contracts.
Researched Links:

NIESR: International study demonstrates importance of new legislation to help Britain’s insecure workers

PC&PE:  "Gig economy" companies free-riding on the welfare state

TUC: International study demonstrates importance of new legislation to help Britain’s insecure workers

TUC: EU negotiation guidelines offer golden opportunity to secure workers' rights

TUC: Over a quarter of a million more in insecure work by end of next Parliament

TUC: Zero-hours contracts allow bosses to treat workers like “disposable labour”

Code of Practice for Ethical Employment launched

Employers tricking people out of sick pay, says Citizens Advice

TUC: Rise in insecure work is costing Exchequer £4bn a year

CIPD:  Brexit, gig economy and pay will continue to define labour market in 2017

Official figures show nearly 3% of UK workers on zero hours contracts

BEIS Statement on ONS zero-hours contracts statistical release

CAB:  Number of temporary agency workers rises by 29% in a decade

4.5m people in insecure work, reveals Citizens Advice

CAB:  Casual workers at risk of ‘wage theft’ from unscrupulous employers

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?