WGPlus (Archive)

What does this mean for the future control of UK borders if we stay in EU?

The EC has launched the process for a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), presenting options for a ‘fair & sustainable system for allocating asylum applicants among Member States’.

The Commission has identified 5 priority areas where the CEAS should be structurally improved, including:

  • To deal better with a high number of arrivals & ensure a fair sharing of responsibility, the EC could propose to amend the Dublin Regulation, either by streamlining & supplementing it with a corrective fairness mechanism or by moving to a new system based on a distribution key.
  • A new mandate for the EU’s asylum agency:   This could include operating the distribution mechanism under a reformed Dublin System, monitoring the compliance of Member States with EU asylum rules, identifying measures to remedy shortcomings, and a capacity to take operational measures in emergency situations.
Researched Links:

EU News:  Options for reforming Common European Asylum System and developing safe & legal pathways to Europe

Future framework for stronger & smarter information systems for border management & internal security

Stronger & Smarter Borders in the EU: EC proposes to establish an Entry-Exit System

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