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HO: Every parent’s worst nightmare - A new dedicated team of experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre will strengthen & lead the UK's ability to respond to missing children, Home Office Minister James Brokenshire announced last week. Speaking on International Missing Children's Day, the minister outlined that CEOP will (from 1 July 2011) take the national lead for missing children's services.
The new team will lead the national response working in partnership with police forces, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the wider child protection community. They will also provide preventative support through the provision of educational tools, products & training to children and professionals, as well as direct operational support to local forces.
Press release ~ Scoping Report on Missing and Abducted Children 2011 ~ NPIA: International Missing Children's Day ~ NPIA: Missing Persons Bureau ~ Child Rescue Alert system ~ Parents & Abducted Children Together (PACT) ~ MissingKids ~ Missing People ~ Childline: Homelessness and running away ~ Salvation Army Family Tracing Service ~ Missing Person's Taskforce report ~ look4them.org.uk ~ Directgov: Missing people - help and support ~ FCO: Missing Persons ~ Young Runaways Action Plan ~ Young runaways: Indicator ~ Free runaway helpline ~ Statutory guidance on children who run away and go missing from home or care ~ Homelessness and running away ~ Report of the Working Group on Young Runaways and Children Abused through Prostitution ~ Connexions Direct ~ BBC – Hard Christmas ~ SPRU: Runaways and children on the edge of care research projects ~ SCIE Social Care Online: runaways ~ DfE: Missing Children ~ DfE: Runaways ~ Railway Children ~ Children England ~ Missing from Care & Home guidance ~ BBC – Hard Christmas ~ SPRU: Runaways and children on the edge of care research projects ~ SCIE Social Care Online: runaways ~ Missing Children EuropeVirtual Global Taskforce
CQC: We have been here before - The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the first 12 reports from an inspection programme which examines whether elderly people receive essential standards of care in 100 NHS hospitals throughout England.
The programme focuses on whether people are treated with dignity & respect, and whether they get food & drink that meets their needs. Further inspection reports will be published at regular intervals over the course of the summer, with a national report to follow in the autumn.
The programme focuses on whether people are treated with dignity & respect, and whether they get food & drink that meets their needs. Further inspection reports will be published at regular intervals over the course of the summer, with a national report to follow in the autumn.
These first 12 inspection reports identify 3 hospitals as failing to meet the essential standards required by law; Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust and Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust.
Less serious concerns were identified in a further 3 hospitals, with the remaining 6 found to be meeting essential standards. All the hospitals where concerns have been identified must now tell the regulator how & when they will improve. The 3 hospitals failing to meet essential standards could face enforcement action by the regulator if improvements aren’t made.
Whilst the reports document many examples of people being treated with respect and given personalised, attentive care, some tell a bleak story of people not being helped to eat & drink, with their care needs not assessed and their dignity not respected.
Press release ~ The first 12 reports ~ NHS Confederation comment ~ Patients Association comment ~ CQC calls for better patient care by ensuring the right patient information is in the right place, at the right time ~ National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death ~ NCEPOD press release ~ CMO(2009)08,CNO(2009)05: All Wales food record chart and nutritional care pathway ~ Free to Lead, Free to care ~ DH – Better Hospital Food programme ~ Spending on hospital food ~ DH - Sustainable food: a guide for hospitals ~ Improving Nutritional Care: A joint Action Plan ~ Council of Europe Alliance (UK) ‘10 Key Characteristics of Good Nutritional Care’ ~ ScotGov: Hospital nutrition care standards ~ National Patient Safety Agency: Patient care and treatment (including nutrition) ~ NPSA: Other Patient safety topics ~ Scottish Patient Safety Programme ~ National review of hospital standardised mortality ratios (HSMR) ~ NICE: Rehabilitation after critical illness guideline ~ Measuring for Quality Improvement ~ Related ScotGov previous press release ~ Dignity in Care Campaign ~ Design for Patient Dignity ~ Design Bugs Out ~ Making a difference: Safe and secure data sharing between health and adult social care staff ~ Information Governance
DFID: Trying to avoid a repeat of post-invasion Iraq - The first ever international Stabilisation Response Team has arrived in Libya, International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, has confirmed. The team of 11 stabilisation experts will assess what help the National Transitional Council (NTC) and the rest of Libya will need in the period ahead of a political settlement, with a view to supporting the UN’s post conflict planning.
The ISRT will help inform a co-ordinated international response to interim stabilisation needs in the country. The team includes experts in areas such as economics, infrastructure, essential public services, security & justice systems and politics. The core team will be provided by Britain and will also include representatives from international partners including Italy & Denmark, with others set to join in the coming weeks including the EU.
The team is deployed by the Stabilisation Unit, the Government's centre of expertise & best practice in stabilisation. It works to help prevent further violence, protect people and promote democratic political processes.
Press release ~ UK Stabilisation Unit ~ Related PR ~ Post-conflict stabilization ~ Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction: What Have We Learned From Iraq and Afghanistan ~ Let there be light ~ Civilian-Military Collaboration: The Stabilisation Unit Coming of Age
BIS: 10 years and still talking - A Trade Experts Group set up by the UK, Germany, Turkey & Indonesia has published its final report – ‘World Trade and the Doha Round’. The report argues that the Doha Round will die unless global political leaders demonstrate their commitment in the coming months.
The report argues that the failure of the Doha Round would not only impact on trade, but also on economic confidence, and more widely on stability & global governance. They call specifically on the US & China to help progress the deadlocked negotiations and ‘argue that the concessions that need to be made are relatively small in size and involve limited political pain’.
The report states that open trade promotes the economic growth that has helped lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty since the Second World War and continues to play a key role today. The authors argue that a resolution would deliver a boost of £110bn per year to the global economy.
EU News: National budgets are being slashed while member countries are being ordered to fund €bns of loans to support a euro in crisis – Is this any way to make the EU more popular with UK voters? - The budget structure must clearly reflect the EU 2020 sustainable growth strategy, say MEPs, who also advocate new income sources for the budget, and call for an end to all rebates, exceptions and corrective mechanisms.
Freezing future budgets at the 2013 level - as demanded by some Member States – ‘is not a viable option’, said the committee. MEPs call for an increase of at least 5% over the 2013 level for the next long-term budget, known as the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). If Member States disagree, then committee members challenge them to say which policy priorities should be dropped.
The Commission is to present a proposal on own resources on 29 June 2011, the same day as it presents its draft for the future MFF.
Press release & links ~ Related PR
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