Tailor management of autism in children & young people to individual needs - Health & social care professionals should tailor the management & assessment of children and young people with autism to individual needs to ensure they receive the best care, according to NICE.
Managing autism can be challenging due to the range of problems it is associated with, and because the way in which autism is expressed will differ across different ages. Coexisting psychiatric disorders can also present challenges for management, with around 70% of people with autism also having conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or anxiety disorders.
While there is no 'cure' as such for autism, interventions do exist that can help with some of its core features, the symptoms & behaviours and problems it is associated with. NICE’s guideline on the management & assessment of children and young people with autism recommends a range of treatments & interventions to help ensure management addresses individual needs.
Press release & links ~ US spends 18 times more on autism research than UK ~ Citizens Advice welcomes new legal ruling on WCA ~ Norman Lamb highlights role of health and wellbeing boards in reforming care following Winterbourne View ~ NI projects supporting young people awarded major Lottery grants ~ Early diagnosis and intervention key for conduct disorders ~ IPCC investigating Sussex Police's treatment of 11-year-old disabled girl ~ Technology use in the classroom helps autistic children communicate ~ Over half a million pounds for families coping with autism ~ Support for autism ~ Ombudsman criticises Birmingham City Council for delay over disabled man's needs ~ Lambeth Council criticised over care for autistic children ~ Department of Health publishes interim report to drive up standards and prevent abuse ~ Funding announced for autism ~ Diabetes UK - Study suggests link between maternal obesity and diabetes and child developmental disorders ~ Set up "autism teams" to improve services for under-18s, says NICE ~ World Autism Awareness Month ~ Adult Autism Strategy: next steps in the national self assessment framework exercise ~ Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University ~ Autism London ~ National Autistic Society ~ NAO: Supporting people with autism through adulthood ~ Scottish Autism Service Network ~ Scottish Society for Autism ~ Autism NI ~ Autism Toolbox ~ The Transporters ~ International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) ~ Welsh Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan ~ Autism Cymru ~ AWARES, the All Wales Autism Resource ~ Autism Independent UK (SFTAH) ~ Disabilities Trust ~ NES - Autism Learning Resource
Loads of Government proposals & conclusions published over holiday break – While most of us have been enjoying / ‘surviving’ the school summer break, government and other organisations have been busy inviting us to contribute our views on a myriad of topics and also announcing their conclusions / proposed actions regarding closed consultations.
Check out the Consultations section for any of the 80+ consultations / conclusions that may impact on you, including:
* Updated national waste planning policy: Planning for sustainable waste management
* Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE): implementing the recast Directive & UK system changes
* Revised statutory guidance on local bus services
* Management of HIV-infected healthcare workers
* Tax-Free Childcare
* Consultation on the general consents issued under section 25 of the Local Government Act 1988
* Reform of an anti-avoidance provision: Transfer of Assets Abroad
* Onshore oil & gas exploratory operations: draft technical guidance
* Stat. guidance on how the Groceries Code Adjudicator will carry out investigation & enforcement functions
* Improvements to the policy & legal framework for public rights of way
Big Lottery Fund appoints contractor to support social investment programme - Big Lottery Fund has appointed Social Finance in partnership with the Local Government Association (LGA) to offer a support package for those developing Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and other Payment by Results (PbR) based social investments as part of Commissioning Better Outcomes.
Social Finance and LGA will provide a range of support, including the ‘publication of technical guides, development of online tools, holding webinars and production of podcasts, as well as offering workshops, one-to-one surgeries and diagnosis of further development needs’.
This will support proposals that could then go on to access technical development grants from Commissioning Better Outcomes, leading to a possible contribution to outcomes payments from either or both of the outcomes funds.
Press release & links ~ Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) ~ Social Finance
Untimely advice considering most people have already had their holidays - Brits caught out by unusual laws and customs. Every year Brits are caught out by local laws & customs which are commonplace in the
These could be easily avoided by researching travel destinations in advance and taking note of updates & warnings issued by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).
Press release & links
Best guess as to who fired the ‘smoking gun (rockets) - : reported chemical weapons use - Joint Intelligence Committee letter Press release & links
Nominate now for the Millies 2013 - Nominations are still open for the Sun Military Awards 2013 but they close on 9 September 2013.
Press release & links ~ (Related items: Stirling to host Armed Forces Day 2014 ~ Thousands of war heroes’ wills released) Health Insurance for Civil Servant and Public Sector Workers - Receive Your 1st Month's Cover Free - CS Healthcare, a mutual health insurer, provides great value comprehensive health insurance for employees in the public sector and civil service and has been established for over 80 years.
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