Take part in our Public Sector Digital Performance Management Survey for your chance to win a £100 Amazon voucher! The public sector is beginning to realise that mobile and web apps have the power to transform public sector service delivery, yet the Application Performance Management (APM) strategy of many Public Sector organisations has not kept pace. With this in mind, this quick survey has been designed to measure the current state of public sector organisations’ understanding of APM and to determine where improvements (if any) can be made. The survey should take less than 2 minutes to complete and closes on the 16th December 2015 when all completed surveys will be entered into a free prize draw for £100 Amazon voucher. Click here to start the survey now. |
They do a 4-year Masters Degree (MPharm) + 1 year preregistration training |
More than 7m patients will soon have access to expert advice from a clinical pharmacist when they visit their GP, thanks to the expansion of a new scheme to fund, recruit & employ pharmacists in local practices. Recruitment of pharmacists for the 3-year initiative will begin immediately, giving patients the additional support of an expert pharmacist in their GP surgery from Spring 2016. Examples of the benefits patients can expect include extra help to manage long-term conditions, specific advice for those with multiple medications and more access to clinical advice on treatments. |
Researched Links: |
NHS England: More than 400 pharmacists to be recruited to GP surgeries by next year WAG investment to make care home prescribing safer But what about the ‘Digitally un-empowered’? New £15m scheme to give patients pharmacist support in GP surgeries ‘Choose Pharmacy’ pilot ‘shows potential’ in improving access to local health services, report finds NHS Confed: New campaign urges people to seek treatment earlier |
An alternative destination for doctors ‘seeking a better life’? |
Wales’s Health Minister is encouraging junior doctors to “come & train, live & work in Wales”. Junior doctors are currently deciding where to apply for speciality training places, including Core Medical training & GP trainees. Potential applicants include those in their F2 year, people returning to training and some overseas recruits who will be due to select core training places over the next 3 weeks. As part of a targeted campaign, ‘Make your future part of our future’, the Minister has released a video message explaining why Wales is a great place to be a junior doctor. |
WAG: Wales’ Health Minister says to junior doctors: “make your future part of our future here in Wales” |
Cover-ups in ‘bad practice’ lead to repeated mistakes in NHS treatments |
People working in the NHS who raise concerns about poor quality care will receive more support under plans revealed by the national NHS bodies. The national whistleblowing policy, drawn up by Monitor, the NHS TDA and NHS England, aims to improve services for patients and the working environment for staff across the health sector by improving how the service learns from whistleblowing. The proposals, (to be adopted by NHS organisations after the consultation), detail who can raise concerns, how they should go about doing so, and how organisations should respond. The policy also sets out a commitment to listen to staff, learn lessons from mistakes and to properly investigate concerns when they are reported. |
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Click here to find out how to register your company with the Supplier Locator. |
Less haste, more care, fewer fines |
Details of 2,000+ residents published online, a £70,000 penalty and an ‘extremely sorry’ local council. That was the result of Islington Council being a little more transparent than it had intended, providing a freedom of information requestor with spreadsheets they didn’t realise included sensitive personal data. That’s prompted the guidance the ICO has recently published: How to disclose information safely – removing personal data from information requests & datasets. |
ICO: ‘Now you don’t see it, now you do’ – the dangers of hidden data |
Everyone is a photo-journalist now |
Research shows that social media is changing the way we relate to terror – both the attacks themselves and their aftermath. Attacks are having more widespread and longer-lasting impacts. The ubiquity of smartphones means that terror attacks can almost be followed in real-time. One of the people trapped in the Bataclan concert venue during the Paris attacks described what was happening and pleaded for rescue. Impacts of terrorist attacks on people & communities are becoming more widespread & longer-lasting – creating a need for management strategies encompassing different agencies that address the longer-term community impacts. |
Researched Links: |
ESRC: Terror and the impact of social media Reuters Institute Digital News Report |
Online scammers trying to ‘land’ unsuspecting ‘catch’ |
Some customers have recently received fake or ‘phishing’ emails claiming to be requisitions or replies to requisitions from Land Registry. Bogus emails often have an attachment containing a computer virus. All genuine requisition emails come from a Land Registry office email ending in .gov.uk (e.g. Durham.Office@landregistry.gsi.gov.uk). Phishing emails are sent from other addresses; (e.g. Durham.OfficeMail [mailto:nick@officemaile.com) |
Researched Links: |
Land Registry: Fake emails claiming to be from Land Registry Land Registry: MapSearch wins Digital Award at Civil Service Award |
All we have to do is ‘flick a switch’ |
About 90% of refugees living in camps have no access to electricity and many lack any form of lighting at night, says a Chatham House report for the Moving Energy Initiative. Energy poverty in refugee settlements is not on the radar of international initiatives and humanitarian agencies are ill-equipped to deal with the scale of need. Heat Light and Power for Refugees: Saving Lives, Reducing Costs zooms in on the energy needs of refugees & displaced people worldwide: “The problem goes beyond electricity. 80% of those in camps rely on firewood for cooking and, as a result, we estimate that some 20,000 people die prematurely each year due to the pollution from indoor fires. Exposure to extremes of cold & heat are also killers for people living in flimsy, temporary shelter,” says Glada Lahn, senior research fellow at Chatham House. |
No longer a ‘Death Sentence’ |
Public Health England has launched a nationally available HIVkit for testing those at higher-risk, alongside new funding for innovative HIV prevention projects. People at higher-risk of HIV are being encouraged to take the simple finger prick blood sample for National HIV Testing Week. Improved treatment for HIV means those diagnosed early can have a life expectancy almost matching that of people who are HIV free. PHE figures show an estimated 103,700 people in the UK were living with HIV in 2014, with around 17% (18,100) unaware & at risk of unknowingly passing on the virus to others. |
More news, opinions, documents, claims & counter-claims; |
Researched Links: |
PC&PE: Report sets out new programme of engagement DECC sets out & consults on strategy for UK Continental Shelf |