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‘Reputation is everything’ to an organisation and lax security could cost a fortune |
If an organisation suffers a breach, they are putting all their customers at risk of theft or fraud; be it a business or a public sector organisation. More & more ‘business’ is now done online but all too often organisations neglect their online security. They will only share office keys with trusted individuals and ensure customer details are securely filed away, but when it comes to looking after their cyber security, these kind of steps aren’t always taken. Cyber Aware’s research with Experian earlier this year has shown over half of respondents (52%) aged 18-25 and 27% of respondents from all age groups reuse their email password across multiple accounts. If the same password is re-used for different accounts, it means that if hackers steal a password for a business’ less important account, they can use it to access the most important ones. This is a problem because an organisation’s email account can be a ‘treasure trove’ of data for a cyber criminal who can use it to commit identity fraud or financial theft. If an organisation suffers a breach, they are putting all their customers / clients at risk of theft or fraud. The good news is that it’s simple to take action to help protect yourself online. Here are 4 ways to stay safe online:
Researched Links: |
techUK: What could you really lose in a cyber hack? Action Fraud: Is your email account secure? ICO issues maximum £500,000 fine to Facebook for failing to protect users’ personal information ‘Worrying’; considering SME are the ‘backbone of the economy Would it be more effective to fine the bosses, rather than the organisation! DHSC; Security comes at a price techUK: But take note of latest cyber security warning! Chasing down those who have chosen the ‘Dark Side’ of the web |
Influence after Brexit! |
Elizabeth Denham, the UK’s Information Commissioner, was last week elected Chair of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC). Now in its fortieth year, the ICDPPC is the leading global forum of data protection & privacy authorities, encompassing more than 120 members across all continents. The ICDPPC works throughout the year on global data protection policy issues, adopts resolutions & statements addressed to governments & policymakers, and arranges a highly successful annual conference. |
Researched Links: |
ICO: UK Information Commissioner elected chair of the ICDPCC |
The requests will increase as the population ages |
New figures from NHS Digital show that LAs received 1.8m new requests for adult social care support in 2017-18 - equivalent to 5,100 new requests per day. These requests were received from 1.3m people; those aged 65 and over accounted for 71.6% of the requests. Similar to previous years, 77.1% of the requests originated from the community and 20.1% originated from a discharge from hospital. Adult Social Care Activity and Finance, England 2017-18 is an annual report that provides information on the gross current expenditure of councils on adult social care as well as information on long term care activity, short term activity to maximise independence, and support provided to carers. |
Researched Links: |
NHS Digital: Local authorities receive 5,100 new requests for adult social care assistance a day The King's Fund responds to new figures from NHS Digital on adult social care PC&PE: Council squeeze blocking progress on health & care integration Cwmtawe project backed in £100m transformation of health and social care LGA responds to Public Accounts Committee report on Health and Social Care Integration Health Secretary: My tech vision will help build most advanced health & care system in the world IFG: Public service costs shifted onto citizens LGA responds to call for more money for adult social care and public health Cost efficient, joined-up services |
Proactive action is best |
Organisations can apply for a share of up to £300,000 for contracts to disrupt & prevent the live online streaming of child sexual abuse. The Home Office has up to £300,000 to invest in up to 5 innovative projects that are designed to disrupt live online child sexual abuse and exploitation. Projects should investigate new methods & technologies. This may include detecting & disrupting live streaming or identifying & disrupting related financial transactions. It may also include other interventions such as psychological or behavioural approaches. |
Researched Links: |
Innovate UK: Disrupting online abuse & exploitation - call for solutions Could it be adapted for terrorist propaganda too? They have the time & resources to act Protecting the ‘innocence’ of children Just imagine the mental strain! |
SME Supplier Locator update... | ||
UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers. Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:
Click here to find out more. |
Top down image of problem areas |
Government departments, emergency services & LAs will receive free access to thousands of high-resolution satellite images of Britain, under plans announced by Science Minister Sam Gyimah. The UK Space Agency’s Space for Smarter Government Programme (SSGP) will provide access to archives of images and radar data for research & development projects. The images will provide an unprecedented level of detail of major British cities, transport networks, national parks and energy infrastructure. This will stimulate further growth in the UK’s world-leading space industry, which already employs around 40,000 people, while benefitting the public sector in areas such as planning and development. This type of satellite data is already being used in a number of pilot projects. It has been combined with machine learning techniques to help Bournemouth Borough Council identify the best locations for electric vehicle charge points across the city. While the Environment Agency has trialled satellite images as a tool to monitor plastic pollution off Britain’s shoreline to support clean-up operations and protect wildlife. |
Researched Links: |
UK Space Agency: Free satellite data to help tackle public sector challenges The amount of data to be gathered is unlimited NHS England and UK Space Agency launch multi-million pound drive to improve patient care Rocketing to success - Space Industry Act to unlock billions for the UK economy |
Editorial commentary; What could a Labour Government negotiate with the EU? |
A timely item from Briefings for Brexit examines the feasibility a Labour Government’s ability to negotiate a customs union that would be acceptable to the UK. In this contribution the significance of recent comments by the EU Budget Commissioner are examined. It has been made clear that the EU will not negotiate a customs union with the UK. The UK would be part of the EU’s Customs Union, paying its tariffs to the EU budget, with the EU in full control of UK trade policy. |
Researched Links: |
BfB: The Quiet Death of Corbyn’s “A Customs Union” BfB: A Narrow Focus on EU Trade restricts Global Opportunities by Robert Bates Open Europe: How much regulatory divergence can we have within the UK? |
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