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60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

Parliament’s President Antonio Tajani, political group leaders and other leading MEPs will meet with Italy’s highest public officials, starting with President Sergio Mattarella on Friday, and take part in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome on Saturday.

On Friday morning, the EP President, Vice-Presidents, Quaestors and political group leaders (who form Parliament’s Conference of Presidents and Bureau) will meet Italy’s Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Norcia, a city hit by earthquakes last year, followed by a press point. In the afternoon in Rome, they will meet Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella, Senate President Pietro Grasso and Chamber Speaker Laura Boldrini.

Also on Friday, EU heads of state or government, EP President Tajani, European Council President Donald Tusk, Council of Ministers President Joseph Muscat and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will meet Pope Francis in the Vatican (live on EbS+ and EP Live)

Ceremony for the 60th anniversary

On Saturday, European Parliament leaders will take part in the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome celebration in Rome, where President Tajani will deliver a speech and sign the Rome Declaration on behalf of the EP. There will also be a joint press conference with the presidents of the four EU institutions.

The full ceremony and the press conference will be broadcast live on EbS+ and EP Live.


During a ceremony held in the European Parliament on Tuesday, President Tajani stressed that the anniversary of the Treaty of Rome should be an opportunity to reconnect with citizens and propose a framework for reflection on achievements and the way forward.

MEPs adopted three reports on the future of Europe during the February plenary. At the following plenary sitting in March, MEPs also discussed a European Commission strategy paper setting out five scenarios for future of the EU.

  • Jaume DUCH GUILLOT, EP Spokesperson and Director General for Communication
  • Telephone number(+32) 2 28 43000 (BXL)
  • Telephone number(+33) 3 881 74705 (STR)
  • Mobile number(+32) 496 59 94 76
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