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Burkina Faso: Commissioner Lenarčič launches EU Humanitarian Air Bridge in country

As Burkina Faso risks a major humanitarian disaster, the EU is stepping up emergency support to deliver aid to vulnerable populations where access is severely limited. The Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič was recently (11 November 2022) in Burkina Faso, to express EU solidarity and launch an EU Humanitarian Air Bridge operation to deliver between up to 800 tons of essential supplies over 3 months.

Currently up to 1 million people live in areas under blockade according to the United Nations. Some areas have not received any food supplies for several months. Stocks of food and other items are completely exhausted, leading to market closures.

Meeting with Prime Minister Appolinaire Joachim Kyelem de Tambela, Commissioner Lenarčič reiterated the EU's call for full humanitarian access to all populations in need across the country.

In 2022, the Commission allocated €49.9 million in humanitarian aid to Burkina Faso, including via the recent Air Bridge flight and €6.5 million from the European Development Fund to address the global food crisis. With the additional funding of €2.5 million announced recently, the total humanitarian aid for Burkina Faso for 2022 will reach more than €52 million in total. Combined with the contributions of the EU Member States in a Team Europe approach, this amounts to a total of more than €140 million for 2022.

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