Care Quality Commission
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CQC response to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act

Responding to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act published today Dr Paul Lelliott, Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals (lead for mental health) at the CQC, said:

“At a time of considerable challenge for the health system, the Independent Mental Health Act review has been a much-needed opportunity to consider how to improve the care and treatment received by the thousands of people affected by the Act each year. Throughout the review, the panel have listened to our concerns that some mental health services are not doing enough to make sure patients are enabled to understand and exercise their rights. We strongly support the review’s calls for more rights, better treatment and greater patient involvement in care planning.

“Last year, in our report on the State of Mental Health services 2014-2017, we raised concerns about unsafe ward environments and care that is over-restrictive and institutional in nature, often compounded by deficiencies in staffing. We welcome the report’s emphasis on these issues and on the importance of patients on mental health wards having access to the full range of therapies in a setting that is geared towards recovery. We will ensure that our inspections of mental health inpatient services properly assess whether wards offer a fit environment for safe and dignified care and that our ratings and judgments accurately reflect what we find. We will also work with providers and national bodies to understand how we can encourage improvement.

“We have welcomed the focus from the outset on ensuring there is greater understanding of the specific needs of people from ethnic minority communities. We are pleased to see the recommendation for the provision of culturally-appropriate advocacy services to better support ethnic minority communities and reduce the level of disparities they face.

“CQC will continue to highlight good practice, monitor people’s involvement and access to appropriate support as part of our unannounced programme of Mental Health Act review visits to meet with people detained under the Act and through our inspections of mental health services. We look forward to working closely with people who use services, stakeholders and organisations to consider what practical solutions can be piloted and implemented to respond to the improvement recommendations."


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