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Consultation on technical advice on fees for securitisation repositories

The present report contains ESMA’s proposed technical advice on supervisory fees. In making these proposals, ESMA has sought to be consistent with existing fee provisions under SFTR and EMIR. At the same time, ESMA has sought to streamline the fee arrangement where possible, also in view of its experience in calculating and processing fees for trade repositories and CRAs for several years. In doing so, ESMA has aimed to both meet its legislative mandate (i.e. that its fees should be proportionate to repositories’ turnover) while also establishing an efficient framework. To this end, ESMA proposes a single registration fee differentiated between new registrations and extensions of registrations for existing trade repositories. ESMA also proposes annual supervisory fees that reflect the available information on repositories’ applicable turnover. Annex I lists ESMA’s consultation questions, Annex II includes the Commission’s mandate to ESMA, and Annex III contains the draft technical advice on fees.

This consultation paper may be specifically of interest to securitisation repositories which plan to apply for registration, extension of registration or recognition under the Securitisation Regulation, the already registered trade repositories under EMIR, as well as of interest to trade associations, securitisation reporting entities and market infrastructures.

All contributions received will be published following the close of the consultation, unless you request otherwise. Please clearly indicate by ticking the appropriate checkbox on the web-site submission page if you do not wish your contribution to be publicly disclosed. A confidential response may be requested from us in accordance with ESMA’s rules on access to documents. We may consult you if we receive such a request. Any decision we make not to disclose the response is reviewable by ESMA’s Board of Appeal and the European Ombudsman.

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Documents Available For This Consultation

Date Reference Title Document
23/03/2018 ESMA33-128-212 ESMA33-128-212 Consultation Paper TA Fees Securitisation Repositories Download
pdf, 659.97 KB
27/03/2018 ESMA33-128-212 reply form Reply form - Consultation Paper TA Fees Securitisation Repositories Download
docx, 766.76 KB


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