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Coronavirus: EU supports Member States with transport of essential supplies

The Commission continues to provide further financial support to six Member States through the Mobility Package of the Emergency Support Instrument amounting to over €14 million, for the transport of COVID-19 vaccination-related equipment and COVID-19 therapeutics. This comes on top of the €150 million already made available for the transport of essential medical items since last year.

Shipments funded by the Mobility Package include the transport of intensive-care drugs to Belgium, and of syringes and needles to Italy. The other recipients of EU funding are Austria, Czechia, Romania and Slovenia. In total, more than 1,000 flights and 500 deliveries were funded.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, recently said:

“Supply chains and deliveries of medical equipment continued to be supported by the EU. From beginning of the pandemic, the Emergency Support Instrument has proven a valuable tool in our joint fight against COVID-19. Through this latest package, we have financed the transportation of essential supplies, to help save the lives of patients and boost national vaccination campaigns.”

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