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Council adopts conclusions on the EU’s intention to increase its role as a global maritime security provider

The Council recently (22 June 2021) adopted conclusions on the EU’s intention to increase its role as a global maritime security provider. The EU depends on safe, clean and secure oceans and seas for all types of activities. This is why maritime security is a clear priority for the EU and its Member States.

The Council highlighted that climate change and environmental degradation have increasing implications for international stability, including maritime security and maritime infrastructure, and require an urgent collective response. Further research is needed on the impact of climate change on maritime security.

In the face of emerging disruptive technologies, the Council stressed the need to enhance cybersecurity across all maritime sectors, and to step up efforts to increase resilience against cyber-attacks. In this sense, the Council underlined that maritime security should be addressed under the Strategic Compass, helping to further develop the common European security and defence culture.

The Council welcomed the development of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for maritime surveillance, asking the Commission to continue its efforts to develop this initiative in cooperation with Member States and the relevant EU agencies.

The conclusions underline that sea-dumped munitions and unexploded ordnance pose a high risk to the environment, human health and economic activities at sea and should be given further attention.

It is highlighted that the EU Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS) and its revised action plan directly contribute to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Green Deal, the EU Global Strategy, the EU’s International Ocean Governance Agenda and other policies.

The Council supported the swift and full implementation of the pilot case of the Coordinated Maritime Presences (CMP) concept in the Gulf of Guinea and is also committed to strengthening partnerships with international organisations, such as the United Nations, NATO and other regional partners, in order to secure free and peaceful use of the global maritime domain.

The Council conclusions on maritime security follow the revised European Union Maritime Security Strategy Action Plan of 2018.

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