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EU redeploys the Election Observation Mission to Timor-Leste

On 5 June, the European Union Election Observation Mission (EOM), returned to Timor-Leste to follow the Parliamentary elections scheduled for 22 July 2017.

Ms Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Member of the European Parliament and Chief Observer during the 20 March Presidential election, will also lead this Mission.

Ms Bilbao Barandica, declared: "I am pleased to continue the important work of Chief Observer for the EU EOM to Timor-Leste, building on the track record of well-run, transparent and inclusive legislative elections."

The EU EOM Core Team of seven EU election analysts, who will stay in the country until the completion of the electoral process, will be joined on 24 June by 26 long-term observers, who will be deployed across the country. On Election Day, the Mission will be supported by a delegation of the European Parliament and Timor-Leste-based diplomats from EU Member States.

The Mission will issue a preliminary statement with its key findings at a press conference in Dili shortly after the election. The EU EOM will then present its final report, which will include recommendations for future electoral processes, after the finalisation of the whole electoral process. 

The ongoing Election Observation Mission is confirmation of the European Union's continued support to democracy, peace and stability in the country.

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