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European Commission revamps its ‘Have Your Say' portal*

The European Commission recently (03 July 2020) launched a revamped version of the ‘Have Your Say' portal. This online platform invites all citizens, (including businesses and non-governmental organisations), to share their views on Commission initiatives at key stages in the legislative process. The new version should further improve Commission consultation and communication with the public and increase transparency. The aim is to enhance the quality of EU policymaking, thanks to the input of all relevant stakeholders, via the portal.

The new version makes it easier for the public to find on the portal the Commission initiative they are most interested in, thanks to improved search functionalities. The portal is more user-friendly, so that the public can share their views by accessing directly the newest consultations of high interest on the home page, such as the consultation on Sustainable and Smart Mobility strategy.

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, recently said:

By improving the Have Your Say portal and making it more intuitive, we are stepping up our outreach. I want to encourage stakeholders and citizens – including those without an in-depth knowledge of EU policy-making – to contribute to our initiatives as they take shape before and after their adoption by the Commission. This is another crucial way to ensure that our legislation meets the highest quality standards.”

As part of its ‘Better Regulation' agenda, the Commission is consulting a broad range of organisations, and the general public, with such outreach tools as ‘Have Your Say‘. In actively collecting and analysing online feedback, the Commission ensures that EU initiatives are responsive and proportional to current challenges, - such as the green and digital transitions.

The following three public consultations on the new ‘Have Your Say' portal illustrate this: the consultation on the Digital Services Act: deepening the Internal Market and clarifying responsibilities for digital services ; the consultation on Sustainable and Smart Mobility and the consultation on a New consumer agenda.

Click here for the full press release


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