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FDA achieves major breakthrough on Fast Stream pay

Following a long period of negotiations after the union’s successful ballot for industrial action earlier this year, the FDA has reached an agreement with the Cabinet Office on a significant new pay offer for the civil service Fast Stream.

The deal will see 68% percent of FDA Fast Stream members receive close to or over 10% in the first year, and 75% see close to or over 10% in the second year of the deal. 

As reported by Civil Service World, the FDA’s National Officer for the Fast Stream Lauren Crowley said that it was the FDA’s “successful ballot earlier this year, in which Fast Streamers made the case for pay reform loud and clear, that secured the commitment from the employer to negotiations on a new deal.”

Crowley argued that the deal was one of the best offers seen in the public sector and represented “the biggest uplift to Fast Stream pay in the scheme's history”:

“While we have further to go to completely eradicate the pay stagnation that Fast Streamers have experienced going back a decade, I'm pleased that this is a significant step forward and an offer we can recommend members to accept.”

Welcoming the offer, FDA General Secretary Dave Penman said that a “transformative” pay deal had been required after “years of pay stagnation and record attrition”, and paid tribute to the dedication of the FDA’s Fast Stream Committee in delivering the overwhelming ballot result earlier in the year.

As a result of the deal, Penman said, “current Fast Streamers will see significant pay hikes over the next two years. We hope that attrition rates fall and investment in these incredibly talented, inspiring public servants will deliver better services in the future.”

However, he argued that “it shouldn’t be this hard to reform pay”:

“All the evidence was there that it was desperately needed. It shouldn't have taken a strike ballot to jolt government into action. Ministers, the Treasury and the civil service leadership need to work harder to be enablers of reform, not blockers.”

The FDA is now balloting Fast Stream members on the offer, with a recommendation to accept. The ballot will close later in August.

Channel website: https://www.fda.org.uk/

Original article link: https://www.fda.org.uk/home/Newsandmedia/News/FDA-achieves-major-breakthrough-on-Fast-Stream-pay.aspx

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