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First transition pathway co-created with industry and civil society for a resilient, green and digital tourism ecosystem

The Commission recently (08 February 2022) presented the transition pathway for tourism during the EU Industry Days. The transition pathway is a plan jointly created with actors of the tourism ecosystem detailing key actions, targets and conditions to achieve the green and digital transitions and long-term resilience of the sector. The Commission invited involved parties to take part in its implementation. The transition pathway calls on the tourism community to implement measures in twenty-seven areas, including:    

  • To invest in circularity to reduce energy, waste, water and pollution, and at the same time to better meet the increasing demand for sustainable tourism;
  • To enhance data sharing practices to allow for new innovative tourism services and improve the sustainable management of destinations;
  • To invest in skills to ensure the availability of qualified workforce and attractive careers in the ecosystem.

In the opening of this spotlight event on tourism, the Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, recently said:

I am very pleased that we can present to you today the result of months of cooperation among all stakeholders. By working hand-in-hand we have come up with a common vision for EU tourism and agreed upon the ways to achieve it. This pathway will set the agenda for European tourism for the decade to come. Today I would like to invite all stakeholders to join the co-implementation process.”

Active involvement of all players in the sector will be key for the success of the green and digital transition. That is why the Commission recently launched an on-line survey , inviting the EU tourism community to share information about their individual and collective commitments and to express interest in working together on the implementation of the transition. The Commission will be working with the interested stakeholders to steer, support and follow up the progress of the transition. 

Click here for the full press release


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