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Future of Europe: another Conference Plenary dedicated to citizens' proposals

Joined by Ukrainian citizens and Members of Parliament, the Plenary dedicated a second full session to taking stock of recommendations from the Conference's Citizens' Panels.


The Conference Plenary took stock of 88 recommendations made by the European Citizens' Panels on ‘EU in the world / migration' and on ‘a stronger economy, social justice and jobs / education, culture, youth and sport / digital transformation', as well as related recommendations from the national Citizens' Panels. Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the EU's reaction to it, featured prominently in the topical debates of this weekend.

Representatives of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, Parliamentarians from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and representatives of the association PromoUkraina, took the floor to share their views during the conversation on ‘EU in the world'. Representatives from the Western Balkans were also participating. You can re-watch their speeches here.

Extracts of the Conference Plenary are available on EbS. All video, audio and photo coverage from the Working Groups and the Plenary debates are available on Parliament's Multimedia Centre.

Co-Chairs of the Conference's Executive Board:

Guy Verhofstadt (European Parliament) yesterday commented:

The dramatic events in Ukraine are sending shockwaves through our European Union, and this was very tangible throughout this Plenary's debates. The conclusions of this Conference will need to reflect that. It's clear the future will be different from what we could imagine even a few weeks ago. So it will be necessary for Europe to change, to deal with that future and with the new world order emerging.”

Clément Beaune (French Presidency of the Council) yesterday stated:

“We have now received all the recommendations from European citizens. The Conference Plenary must get to work to translate these into concrete proposals. In light of the dramatic events unfolding across our continent, reforming and reinforcing our Union is essential.”

Dubravka Šuica (Vice-President of the European Commission) yesterday said:

“While we are engaged in an exercise that brings us closer to citizens, Putin is launching military action against Ukrainian citizens that had voiced European aspirations. This is an attack on our values and our way of life. Being European means that you are part of a unique project, one that can everyone to live their full potential and exercise their rights. That is why now, in these horrific circumstances, the Conference is more important than ever, it is needed more than ever.”

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