Scottish Government
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Homes for displaced people from Ukraine
Increasing the supply of available housing.
Councils and Registered Social Landlords will be able to apply for Scottish Government funding to bring properties into use and increase the supply of housing for those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.
Through the Ukraine Longer Term Resettlement Fund, up to £50 million of funding will be made available to refurbish properties that otherwise would not be available for let.
The homes provided will be good quality affordable homes and will be available for rent for up to three years, in line with visa length, after which some will continue to be available as social rented homes.
Minister with Special Responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray yesterday said:
“We are providing sanctuary to more displaced people per head of population than any other part of the UK. Over the past seven months more than 18,411 have arrived into the UK with a sponsor located in Scotland. This exceeds our initial commitment to support and welcome 3,000 people and we are proud we have been able to provide a place of safety. We don’t want people spending any longer than necessary in temporary accommodation so we are working hard to find longer term, sustainable accommodation.
“We have been working closely with local authorities and social landlords on proposals which could help meet the longer-term needs of displaced people from Ukraine. This fund will boost the supply of homes by bringing empty properties back into use across the country.
“We’ve already provided £5 million for the refurbishment of up to 200 homes in North Lanarkshire. These works are progressing at pace and are due to be completed later this year. A number of homes have also been identified in other areas and we are working closely with councils on other proposed projects.
“The safety and wellbeing of all displaced people from Ukraine is our absolute priority and this additional funding will help those displaced by this crisis to access a safe and secure home during their time here.”
Councils and Registered Social Landlords will be responsible for leasing arrangements and rent collection.
The latest published data on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme including the Scottish Government’s super sponsor scheme.
The data shows as at 20 September there were:
- 18,411 total arrivals with a sponsor located in Scotland, of which 14,852 have come under the super sponsor scheme
- 35,754 applications under the super sponsor scheme
- 30,492 visas issued under the super sponsor scheme
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