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International Women's Day Campaign Week

Throughout the week of 5 - 9 March techUK will be highlighting women in tech to celebrate International Women's Day.

Welcome to techUK’s International Women’s Day campaign week

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This week techUK will be marking International Women’s Day (IWD) with a week-long campaign celebrating the successes of women in tech and raising issues around diversity in the sector.

Since last year, we have seen some great steps towards improving gender diversity in the tech sector. One of the most significant was the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s launch of the Tech Talent Charter, which is “a commitment by organisations to a set of undertakings that aim to deliver greater diversity in the tech workforce of the UK, one that better reflects the make-up of the population.”

Furthermore, our Returners Hub has reached the anniversary of its launch. It’s been a great success, but we’re really keen to get more of your returners programmes featured on the Hub. Please do share your programmes and achievements, so that we can continue to help provide the tools that women need when returning to work in the tech sector after career breaks.

In order to continue momentum and to raise further awareness throughout this week we will be publishing blogs from the techUK team, as well as guest blogs from our Skills and Diversity Council and other members, on the below themes.

  1. Careers Advice
  2. The impact of tech on jobs
  3. How do we press for progress?
  4. Achieving gender parity
  5. The important role of male ambassadors

We would like to invite everyone to participate by sharing your stories, thoughts and concerns by tweeting, using the hashtags #techUKIWD, #IWD2018 and #PressforProgress this week.

Stay tuned! We will be posting all the content as and when they go live below.

Careers Advice

Guest Blog - Be Bold and Ban ‘Impossible’ From Your Vocabulary - By Sheila Flavell, Chief Operating Officer, FDM Group


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