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Parliament hosts Uber files whistleblower to discuss lobbying and workers’ rights

MEPs will hear from Uber’s former Head of Public Policy Mark MacGann about the company’s former lobbying practices and discuss how European workers’ rights have been affected.

Mark MacGann, the company’s former chief lobbyist, is due to give a keynote speech in a hearing at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee’s (EMPL) next meeting, on Tuesday 25 October.

Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, will make his remarks in the first panel with Mr MacGann.

The hearing aims to set out the issues in the Uber files objectively and to give an overview of the current situation of Uber drivers in Europe.

Zuzana Púčiková, Uber’s Director of EU Public Policy, Brahim Ben Ali, a former Uber driver and founder of the Uber Drivers’ Trade Union and Dr Andreea Nastase from Maastricht University will also address the committee in a separate panel.

Hearing: “Uber files, lobbying and workers’ rights”

When: Tuesday, 25 October 2022, from 16.30 to 18.30

Where: Brussels, European Parliament, Antall building, room 6Q2

The Parliament will provide a live streaming of the hearing on its Multimedia Centre and live updates on the official EMPL Twitter feed.

Media opportunity

After the hearing, from 18.30, journalists will be able to ask Mr MacGann questions in the glass meeting room inside the press working room (SPAAK 00B001).

Click here for the full press release


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