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Protecting press freedom during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 crisis has hit the media sector hard at a time when it plays a crucial role in providing accurate information and countering disinformation about the pandemic.

The sector is facing a massive drop in advertising revenues and Parliament fears the worsening financial situation could mean news organisations are no longer able to provide clear and factual information and counter disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic.

In a resolution adopted on 17 April, MEPs said that disinformation on Covid-19 is a major public health problem, that all people should have access to accurate and verified information and that a free independent and sufficiently funded media is necessary for democracy.

Freedom of expression, media freedom and pluralism are enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Emergency support fund for media

To address the critical situation faced by the media, he members of Parliament's culture committee have asked the European Commission to look into creating an emergency fund for the media and press.

Some measures have already been taken to support media freedom and protect journalists. In March 2020 the EU made €5.1 million available to fund projects aiming to identify and prevent violations of press freedom, detect risks to pluralism and support cross-border investigations.

Find out 10 things the EU is doing to the fight the coronavirus

World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day is marked every year on 3 May. Reporters Without Borders has just published the 2020 edition of the World Press Freedom Index which also takes into account the threat to free and fair journalism from the coronavirus outbreak.

Europe confirmed as the safest place for journalists

According to the 2020 edition of the World Press Freedom Index, Europe remains the continent that most ensures freedom of the press. EU countries are mostly ranked as “good” or “fairly good”. Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands continue to register the best scores.

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