Transport for London
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TfL consults on proposals to cut road danger and congestion by increasing fines on London’s red routes

Transport for London (TfL) is asking people to have their say on proposals that aim to boost safety and cut congestion on London's network of red routes, by increasing the maximum penalty charge notice (PCN) for contraventions of the rules from £130 to £160. Fines would be reduced to £80 if paid within 14 days. All income from PCNs is re-invested by TfL, to cover the cost of enforcement and schemes to reduce road danger.   

London's red routes are roads managed by TfL. They make up five per cent of roads but carry 30 per cent of the traffic. Red routes exist to allow traffic to move safely and efficiently along some of the busiest roads in London. Stopping is generally prohibited on these roads, outside of designated locations and times clearly marked by signs. Failing to follow the rules and signs at junctions creates safety risks, disrupts traffic and creates congestion for everyone. Vital deliveries and collections can be obstructed and buses and the emergency services can be delayed.

Fine levels are set to deter motorists from ignoring vital rules and safety restrictions. They are an important way of encouraging everybody to follow the rules of the road. PCNs can be issued for:

  • Parking illegally in loading bays
  • Blocking yellow box junctions
  • Making a turn where this movement is banned, which creates risk for people walking and cycling
  • Driving or parking in a bus lane
  • Parking illegally on double red lines, or on single red lines at times when parking is not permitted

The cost of a PCN for contraventions on the red route network has not increased for over ten years. The last increase was in April 2011 when it rose from £120 to £130. TfL's proposed increase to £160 is in line with inflation since the last increase. TfL expects the higher fine level to be a more effective deterrent that will, over time, lead to a reduced level of contraventions and help to keep the road network safe for everyone. Increased compliance with the rules is also expected to boost bus reliability, reduce congestion, improve air quality and the encourage more people to walk and cycle.

TfL's consultation is now open at and runs until 19 September.

Siwan Hayward, TfL's Director of Compliance and Policing, said:

"London's network of red routes plays a vital role in keeping people moving across the capital and it's really important that everybody follows the rules that are in place to keep roads clear and to keep people safe. We'd much rather people follow the rules than fine them, and the proposed increase in fines is intended to increase compliance with the rules and make streets safer, cleaner and less congested for everyone. I'd urge people to have their say on these proposals and we welcome all feedback on our plans."     

Reducing danger on the capital's transport network is a top priority for TfL. TfL continues to work on a number of major programmes to make London's roads and the vehicles using them safer. TfL's Safer Junctions programme is making life-saving changes at some of the capital's most dangerous and intimidating junctions. To date, TfL has completed work at a total of 42 junctions, with construction expected to start on more schemes later this year.     

TfL's world-first Direct Vision Standard, which reduces lethal blind spots on lorries, is already helping to save lives and prevent life-changing injuries. The scheme requires owners of Heavy Good Vehicles (HGVs) weighing more than 12 tonnes to apply for a free permit that assigns vehicles a star rating based on how much the driver can see directly through their cab windows in order to be able to drive in London. Since its introduction, more than 70,000 HGVs have had safe systems fitted, improving protection for people walking, cycling or riding e-scooters or motorcycles and saving lives.     

Speed limits have also been reduced to 20mph on a number of TfL roads across the capital and TfL is currently consulting on reducing the speed limit on 13km of roads within Westminster.


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