Business Companion
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Webinar: Understanding Consumer Vulnerability - Mon, 23 May 2022 09:30 – 11:30 BST

About this event:

Ensuring all consumers are treated fairly and the drive to understand what causes vulnerability is a growing priority for organisations. Consumer vulnerability may mean consumers are especially susceptible to detriment. This course has been designed to help you to identify and work with these consumers in a way that is both consistent and fair.

Being aware of the issues around consumer vulnerability and developing a strategy to ensure it is always considered, will help to ensure consumers get a fair deal and those most in need of protection are supported.

The training will cover the following areas:

  • what is consumer vulnerability
  • what are the possible causes of consumer vulnerability
  • to help you understand how you might identify and work with consumers that may be vulnerable
  • practical tips of how to support consumers
  • the opportunity to reflect on current processes
  • the opportunity to formulate a plan for improvement

This training is suitable for all businesses, front-line, customer-facing staff, management, specialist teams, back-office staff and relevant suppliers.

Find out more and register for this event 


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