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techUK Comments on David Davis' Brexit Speech in Vienna

Commitment to maintaining regulatory standards welcome but businesses eager for more detail and practical progress.

Responding to David Davis’ speech today in Vienna, Antony Walker, techUK deputy CEO, said:

“We welcome David Davis’ commitment to maintaining high regulatory standards after the UK's departure from the EU. Tech businesses have been clear that they want the UK to maintain parity with the EU in key areas like data protection and electronic standards. It is in the interests of both tech businesses and their consumers that the UK maintains high regulatory standards after Brexit. Being aligned with the EU in these key areas will be essential for enabling UK firms to trade and compete fairly for business across Europe."

“To influence future rule setting by the EU, the UK is going to have to lead by example. That means demonstrating that we are getting the balance right in terms of regulatory approaches that build trust and support innovation. The creation of the new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation is a good example of where the UK is forward looking and engaging in the global conversation on how the use of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be governed.

“It is encouraging to see the Secretary of State recognise the benefits of continued cooperation with the EU on regulation and that he will be seeking ongoing involvement for UK regulators based on a strong commitment to maintaining high standards. However, delivery of his agenda will require realism on the practical compromises that will need to be struck with the EU. It remains hard to see how we can maintain full cooperation on regulations and standards without some mechanism to engage with the European Court of Justice. This is a welcome speech, but businesses are eager to see more detail and practical progress.”


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