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techUK Responds to Prime Minister’s Speech on Brexit

techUK CEO Julian David responds to Prime Minister's speech on Brexit.

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s speech on the future partnership between the UK and the EU, techUK CEO Julian David said:

“We strongly welcome the Prime Minister’s crystal clear commitment on data protection- ensuring the UK maintains our strong level of data protection and goes beyond an adequacy agreement to allow our Information Commissioner to continue to play a role at EU level at developing and shaping future data protection rules. That is the right approach to support the UK’s place as a leading tech economy.

“The Prime Minister is also right to say that for the UK to maintain its place at the cutting edge of digital innovation our own regulators must be nimble and creative. By close alignment on key issues like data flows coupled with world-beating regulation here at home, the UK tech sector can thrive. However, it will be critical that mechanisms are in place to support maximum access to the EU and markets around the world for tech developed here in the UK.

“techUK also welcomes the Prime Minister’s commitments on alignment and participation in regulatory rules and processes in areas such as chemicals and broadcasting, alongside her recognition of the importance of alignment on delivering agreement for services. These are critically important to the tech sector and the complex supply chains our industry supports.

“There are of course still questions to answer and further detail that is needed, for example around the kind of technologies the Government wants to deliver for the border. techUK looks forward to working through this detail to help Government deliver on this plan.

“The Prime Minister’s speech set out a pragmatic approach to developing the kind of UK/EU relationship everyone wants to see post-Brexit. She was honest about the challenges and that trade-offs will need to be made. This should draw a line under the political wrangling that has previously gotten in the way of progressing the negotiations. This speech marks a real step forward and techUK hopes that the EU will respond in the same constructive manner.”


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