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techUK’s recommendations for UK’s G7 Presidency

Following a year of unprecedented disruption for the societies and economies of the world, working together to build back better and find common solutions is more important than ever.

As 2021 acts as a cornerstone year for the United Kingdom to drive the conversation about what comes next with our European and global partners, techUK, the leading technology trade organisation, today launches a paper outlining the recommendations for UK’s G7 Presidency.

The paper states that to effectively recover from the pandemic and increase its economic resilience, the UK should work with the G7 partners to encourage firms to put technology adoption at the centre of their plans for the recovery. However, meaningful policy changes are first needed towards:

  • Putting digitalisation at the heart of the economic recovery efforts and funding;
  • Maximising the potential of digital solutions in the fight against climate change;
  • Promoting modern digital trade rules.

By hosting the G7 Leaders’ Summit in June and COP26 in November, the UK can shape these crucial policy directions and support a global economic recovery.

techUK calls upon the UK Government to seek support for these policy actions and their inclusion in the G7 statement.

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