WGPlus (Archive)

But will it be sufficient?

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and NHS England boss Simon Stevens have announced £325m of capital investment for local projects that will help the NHS to modernise & transform care for patients.

Speaking at the King’s Fund, Mr Hunt and Mr Stevens gave the green light to local capital investment schemes in 15 areas of the country, with the largest sums being used for urgent care in Dorset, surgery in Greater Manchester and cancer care in Cumbria.

Patients will see this investment deliver faster diagnosis for conditions like cancer, easier access to mental health care, expansion of A&Es, shorter waits for operations, and more services in GPs surgeries.
Researched Links:

NHS England:  Patients to benefit from £325m investment in NHS transformation projects

NHS Confed:  £325m for STPs "a small step in the right direction"

When they need Media Consultants to ‘sell’ the concept, one wonders as to the merits of the proposals

More (but essential) changes for the NHS

IPPR:  New law needed to make a success of STPs

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IPPR:  NHS change must be funded properly & championed by ministers to make service fit for the 21st Century

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Innovation in rural health and social care

NHS Confederation:  Response to STP footprints and leaders

NHS Confed: New report lays out central role for independent sector in NHS STPs

NHS England statement on STPs

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