Excess weight can increase risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19
Supporting Parents: Wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic
Childcare costs for doctors to be covered in drive to boost GP numbers
Fast online access to world leading NHS weight loss advice
New obesity strategy unveiled as country urged to lose weight to beat coronavirus (COVID-19) and protect the NHS
Adapting NHS resources to respond to COVID-19
Wales announces largest ever flu vaccine programme
NICE publishes new COVID-19 rapid guideline on arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services
Major new campaign encourages millions to lose weight and cut COVID-19 risk
NHS Confederation - Obesity strategy is welcome alongside support for NHS
NHS Digital director nominated for British Ex-Forces In Business Award
Austerity ‘ripped resilience out of health and care service’ before Covid-19 crisis hit, says IPPR
Adam Smith Inst - Britain faces mental health crisis post-pandemic, novel psilocybin treatments needed
NHS Confederation - Replacing national requirement for patients to self-isolate before elective care with local flexibility welcomed
Time to open up our health system to “disruptive innovation,” says new IEA publication
LGA - One year on from PM's pledge: social care needs a reset
Pharmacy: Delivering a Healthier Wales Delivery Board appoints new members
StreetLink partners with Sainsbury’s to increase support for people sleeping rough
#EveryoneInForGood – researching the impact on rough sleepers
Redress for abuse in care
Public Health Wales joins network of data experts looking to solve the UK's most pressing health care challenges
Right Care, Right Place
Chair Appointed To Lead NHS Drive To Reduce Health Inequalities
NHS Confederation - PAC report highlights need for social care reform
NHS recovery to put staff wellbeing at its heart
NHS Confederation - Health leaders seriously concerned about impact of COVID-19 on their staff
The future of healthcare
NHS Test and Trace launches campaign to encourage everyone with symptoms to get a free test
NHS Confederation - Major study into heightened COVID-19 risk for BME healthcare workers launched
Expansion of services in NHS dental practices
New statistics released on talking therapies in England
Statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers on extension of self-isolation period: 30 July 2020
Health and care workers to self-isolate on return to UK from high-risk countries
New combination treatment for patients with advanced kidney cancer
Dementia experts say 40 per cent of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by targeting 12 risk factors throughout life
Health and care workers to self-isolate on return to England from high-risk countries |