WGPlus (Archive)

If you don’t ‘complain’ someone else may ‘suffer’  in a similar situation 

New research published recently shows that around 33% of people that are unhappy after using a public service actually make a complaint, despite an overwhelming number feeling that they should.  The data shows that people overwhelmingly support the right to complain and that 90% feel that if they are unhappy with a public service they should complain.

When it comes to actually making a complaint - to a hospital, GP or jobcentre, for example - the research reveals a gap between what people believe they should do and what they actually do.  According to the data, almost 2 in 3 people that are unhappy with a public service don't actually make a complaint and 29% of those say they believe that complaining will not make a difference.

Researched Links:

National Ombudsmen:  Only 1 in 3 people complain to a public service when they are unhappy, according to new research

People must be heard by public services say Citizens Advice

Ombudsman’s report highlights poor complaint handling & service failures across the NHS in England & UK government departments

NHS Confederation responds to the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman report on NHS complaints

NAO:  Public service markets: Putting things right when they go wrong

After decades of practice the NHS should be getting it right by now!

No wonder complainants are unhappy!

Should the attempted ‘silencing’ (especially in public sector organisations) of Whistle-blowers become a legal offence?

Sometimes the ‘illness’ is the least of one’s problems

Committee Bill set to strengthen your right of redress

Ombudsman report asks if children are being failed by complaints system

Vulnerable elderly woman suffers severe facial bruising in hospital that failed her

Ombudsman finds variation in quality of NHS investigations into complaints of avoidable death & avoidable harm

Ombudsman warns of the risk of determining capacity without proper assessment

Patient Association:  1 year on from the Clwyd-Hart report, NHS complaints system still not fit for purpose, despite numerous calls for reform

It is often not the ‘mistake’ that annoys people, but rather the ‘cover-up’ & the reluctance to at least say ‘sorry’

Tell it how it is!

CAB - A fifth of British households have energy complaints

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