Accreditation: Delivering Confidence in the provision of energy |
Last week (9th June 2014) marked World Accreditation Day, an initiative to promote the benefits of standards and accreditation to policy makers and regulators around the world. The focus this year is on the role accreditation plays in providing confidence in the provision of energy. A brochure has been produced to show how standards and accreditation are being used to deliver policy objectives in both traditional and renewable sources of energy. Download the brochure to find out how policy makers have been able to:
Do we still have a big enough stick to defend the UK’s interests? |
The decision by the MOD to implement Army 2020, its programme to reduce the size of the regular Army and increase the number of trained Army reserves, was taken without appropriate testing of feasibility, according to the National Audit Office. In its report to Parliament, the spending watchdog warns that transition to the new Army structure comes with significant risks which, if they materialized, could significantly affect the Army’s ability to achieve its objectives and value for money. |
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Why do senior officers get paid more to ‘be responsible’ if they never suffer the consequences of their inaction? |
An IPCC investigation has found that a woman, who was hospitalised after being attacked in her Cardiff flat by her partner, was let down by a consistent thread of low level performance by South Wales Police officers and members of staff. The investigation found that the force failed to access, and to process, relevant information appropriately, and did not make the woman aware of the risks that the man - who was a registered sex offender with a record of violence - presented to her and her young children. South Wales Police should have referred the matter to the IPCC at the time it happened; instead, the IPCC only became aware of it over a year later, when the woman's MP complained on her behalf. The IPCC began an independent investigation in early 2013, completing it in April this year. |
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Life is hard enough for them without some ‘More than my job’s worth’ not giving them the help they are entitled too |
There is ‘no excuse’ for providers & commissioners of care to ignore national guidance that supports young people who are disabled or have long term health needs move from children’s to adult services, England’s Chief Inspector of General Practice, Professor Steve Field has stated. |
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It matters that we know where the ‘other half’ went |
New research published by researchers from CERN has brought us a step closer to understanding where all the antimatter has gone. This matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the greatest challenges in physics and at this moment in time the universe seems to be composed entirely of matter – the only antimatter around is created by us at places like CERN. Yet our theories predict that exactly equal amounts of matter & antimatter would have been created in the Big Bang. So where did all the antimatter go? |
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The problems can often really start when the other ‘mourners’ go home |
Thousands of people bereaved by homicide will be able to access improved levels of expert support, following the award of the £2.85m Homicide Service grant, which has been specifically designed to help families cope with the loss of a loved one through murder or manslaughter, and will ensure a range of emotional, practical & specialist support is available. |
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If you think all politicians are a ‘bunch of **** ******’, then register and vote somebody else in |
As of 10 June 2014, people are to register online in just 3 minutes by providing their name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number. The online registration service has been extensively tested with real users over many months and will be compatible with all platforms, including smartphones and tablets, to make it easy for everyone to register. |
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Can any nation that lets this behaviour go on be called ‘civilised’ and be worthy of being a member of the UN? |
In the Land of Blood and Honey is a film that gives a compelling insight into the devastating way in which sexual violence is used as a weapon of war. |
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Power to the (female) people |
Baroness Verma launches POWERful Women - a new, professional initiative to showcase female leadership potential in the UK’s energy sector. |
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