Readers please note that:

Not all items published in the last week are listed for each news source, but note that when you click on an item, scrolling down it will also display the last 7 day’s items for that channel (if item clicked on has less than 10 articles in that period, then the last 10 articles will be displayed regardless of date)

A news source may be listed in more than one section if the different items cover different topics (ex.; ScotGov may be listed in General …. & Health, …. & Policy….  & Consultation  …. & ICT …. and Business …… sections

We will try to ensure that we list at least one item per news source (if they have published any in the past week)

Editor’s choice of other ICT items of note:

techUK:  DCMS publishes UK Cyber Sectoral Analysis and Deep-Dive Review

techUK:  Regulatory sandbox - FCA opens cohort 5 applications

DCMS:  Up to £50m to develop world leading AI talent in the UK

DCMS:  £200m to kickstart full fibre broadband across UK

NCSC’s advice in response to the increase in sextortion scams

Socitm leadership programme endorsed by Welsh government
Digital Self-Service in the Public Sector Survey Report 2018-19

Discover how Public Sector attitudes toward digital self-service are changing in 2018?

The latest GOSS Digital Self-Service in the Public Sector survey is now available and provides a fascinating insight into the disparity between citizens' expectations and behaviour, and the public sector's ability to keep pace.

In its fourth year, this report is the UK's largest and most comprehensive review of current practices in government organisations. It examines the current landscape of digital self-service across the sector and looks at how organisations are hoping to progress their initiatives in the coming years.


  • A summary of Public Sector digital self-service progress over the last four years
  • What's going wrong with digital self-service implementation
  • Recommendations for overcoming these challenges

Click here to access the full report.

Editor’s choice of other Health, Social care & Homelessness related items of note:

DHSC:  New scheme opens for NHS staff to tackle AMR abroad

ScotGov:  Investment in new NHS digital system

WAO:  Situation worsening as delays for follow-up outpatient appointments in Wales rising

NICE:  Improving methods to assess diagnostic health technologies

Collaborative providers: Delivering transformation in care & support for Scotland

WAG:  North Wales project to transform care for people with learning disabilities

HL:  Beam - helping people who are homeless get back into work

SME Supplier Locator update...

UK Government and public sector spend with SME’s is continually on the increase and by 2020, it is the stated intent of Cabinet Office that £1 of every £3 spent on government contracts goes to SME’s. 

Against this ambitious backdrop, the WiredGov Supplier Locator service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide the ideal platform for SME’s to promote their services, solutions, accreditation and success stories directly to our ever increasing audience across all government and public sector verticals and Tier 1 suppliers.

Recent arrivals to the SME Supplier Locator service include:


Click here to find out more.

Editor’s choice of other Business / Commercial items of note:

BEIS:  Support for young entrepreneurs

BEIS:  What support is available for my small business?

Home Office:  Tackling Knife crime: Detection of steel-bladed knives

UK Space Agency: Desert test drive for Mars rover controlled from 1,000 miles away

NEPO:  Procuring Innovation

RLA:  Landlords welcome rental housing standards review

CIPD says Government must raise ambition on skills to tackle productivity

Editor’s choice of other Policy & General items of note:

DCMS:  German President to lay Wreath at Cenotaph Service

HMRC to review High Income Child Benefit Charge penalty cases

ESRC:  Young adults are more Thatcherite than their parents, says study

Citizens Advice says FCA's insurance finding "shocking"

DIFD:  UK secures change to international aid rules

MHCLG:  New planning rules "to boost build out rate for large sites"

HO:  Minister launches updated Serious & Organised Crime Strategy

HO:  Government introduces tough new measure to prevent acid attacks

HO:  Government launches new strategy to tackle serious & organised crime

Defra:  Proposals unveiled to cut red tape for divers retrieving marine litter

DfE:  Children & Families Minister launches Care Leaver Covenant

LGA:  Potential £320bn windfall from new generation of high quality social housing

ScotGov:  Offering flexibility to Universal Credit recipients

WAG:  New code to support rural schools comes into force ~ School Organisation Code


 More contributions to the Brexit process

Still a ‘hot topic’, with widely spread views, for those who put fingers to keyboard in order to ‘share their views’:

Researched Links:

Brexit microsite (Information about the Article 50 process and our ‘partnership’ negotiations with the EU)

10DS:  PM meets European Round Table of Industrialists: 1 November 2018

An Invisible Chain: speech by the Foreign Secretary

DHSC:  New law proposed to safeguard UK citizens' healthcare abroad after Brexit

Tariff rate quotas for EU27: EU ambassadors agree on the Council's position

CMA:  Post-Brexit State Aid in the UK

PC&PE:  Committee criticises Government's response to migration report

ScotGov:  Securing the status of EU citizens

ScotGov:  Helping businesses prepare for Brexit

Open Europe:  Merkel is on her way out – what now?

The Budget and Brexit: Open Europe responds

B4B:  Why Negotiating With Brussels Has Been A Waste of Time (and Money) By Robin Dunbar 

B4B:  Brexit and Science Funding - What Exactly is the Problem? By Sir Noel Malcom 

B4B:  Brexit in Name Only - Causes & Consequences By Dr Lee Jones

B4B:  Chequers White Paper. What has gone wrong and why? By David Blake

Please choose from the links below to view individual sections of interest:
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